Mecklenburg County, NC - Scottish Settlers Land Grants, 1767 Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Connie Ardrey Colonial Records of North Carolina List of land grants to Scottish settlers Tryon, William, 1729-1788 1767 Volume 07, Pages 543-544 [From MS. Records in Office of Secretary of State.] Names of Persons and Familys Natives of North Britain from the Isle of Jura in Argyle Shire, Landed at Brunswick the Fourth of November 1767, allowed by His Excellency the undermentioned quantity of Vacant Land, opposite to their respective Names, clear of all Fees in the Secretary's Office, to be taken up in Cumberland or Mecklenburgh Counties at their Option. Names of Familys Children Total No Acres to Male Female each Family Alexander McDougald & Wife 1 3 Three hundred Malcom McDougald & do 1 3 Three do Neill McLean and do 1 3 Three do Duncan McLean and do 2 Two do Duncan Buea and do 1 3 Three do Angus McDougald and do 2 Two hundred Dougald McDougald and do 3 1 6 Six hundred & forty Dougald McDougald and do 2 4 Four hundred John Campbell and do 1 3 Three do Archibald Buea and do 1 3 Three do Neill Buea 1 One do Neill Clark 1 One do John McLean 1 One do Angus McDougald 1 One do John McDougald 1 One do Donald McDougald 1 One do Donald McDougald 1 One hundred Alexander McDougald 1 One do John McLean 1 One do Peter McLean 1 One do Malcolm Buea 1 One do Duncan Buea 1 One do Mary Buea 1 One do Nanny McLean 1 One do Peggy Sinclair 1 One do Peggy McDougald 1 One do Jenny Darach 1 One do Donald McLean 1 One do 50 5040 AcresTotal By His Excellencys Command I. EDWARDS, p. Sec. To Honble Benja Heron Esq. Secretary &c.