Mecklenburg County, NC - James & John Potts Land Grants


At a Council held at Wilmington the 27th day of September 1766

Read the Petition of James Potts Praying a Resurvey of his own
Lands Granted According to the Petitioners Prayer, and the
Resurvey to be return'd to the Court in due time

At a Council held at Wilmington the 21st day of December 1768

Read the Petition of John McKaine praying a Warrant of Resurvey
on John Potts's Land to Ascertain the bounds thereof and quantity
of Land contained therein according to the Courses of the Patent
etc - Order'd a Warrant of Resurvey issue to ascertain Potts's
Lines agreeable to the directions of his Patent

At a Council held at Brunswick the 13th day of December 1769

James Potts vs. John McCane - Caveat confirmed and McCane has
leave to take out a Warrant for 200 Acres free of Office Fees

And upon Petition of James Potts setting forth that he has a Patent 
in his Possession, granted to Thomas Sprott for 443 Acres of Land 
bearing date 6th of April 1753 but by a mistake in filling up the 
said Patent it includes only 260 and prays that the Surplus of 183 
Acres may be struck off the Record and Rent Roll

Order'd that the Receiver General have Notice to deduct the Surplus
of the said Patent from the Rent-Roll and that the said Potts take
out a new Patent for the said Surplussage


List of Justices - 1760

The names of Justices in the Commission of the Peace for the County
of Rowan Videlicet

Thomas Potts Dead

The Colonial Records of North Carolina 
Second Series - Volume IX
Records of the Executive Council, 1755-1775
Department of Cultural Resources
Division of Archives and History


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Guy Potts -