Mecklenburg COUNTY, NC - DEEDS - Thomas Love to David Russell, 
				 2 Nov 1810

Copied from the original paper in the bible of David Green Russell (1819-1895)

	This Indenture made the second day of November in the year of our Lord 
one thousand Eight Hundred and Ten between Thomas Love of the State of North 
Carolina Mecklenburg County of the one part and David Russell of the state 
aforesaid and the county of Cabarrus of the other part. Witnesseth that for 
and in consideration of the sum of six hundred dollars to him in hand paid by 
him the said David Russell Before the _______ of these presents the receipt 
whereof he hereby fully acknoledge and by him the said Thomas Love hath given 
granted bargained and sold and by these presents doth five grant bargain and 
sell unto him the said David Russell his heirs executors and assigns forever 
all that piece plantation or parcel of land situate in Mecklenburg County on 
the South Side of Clear Creek and on both sides of Goose Creek. Beginning at a 
white oak on the bank of Clear Creek Polkes corner thence his line S 4 W 133 
poles to a post oak thence S 73 E 92 poles to a post oak thence Long's line 
_______ S 82 poles to a line thence his other line S 75 E 84 poles to a Large 
Red Oak over Goose Creek thence North 34 poles to a hickory and post oak 
Clounce corner thence his line N 50 W 11 poles to a hickory by the old pine 
corner which is fall down thence N 19 W 182 poles to a white oak on the banks 
of Clear Creek thence up the meanders of the creek to the beginning containing 
one hundred and thirty one acres be the same more or less also all ways woods 
waters and water courses Houses, mines and minerals and every thing belonging 
or in any way appertaining unto the affore said granted land and tenaments to 
have and to hold the afforesaid lands and tenaments unto him the said David 
Russell his heirs executors administrators and assigns for ever and to the 
only proper use and behoof of him the said David Russell his heirs and assigns 
for ever and the said Thomas Love doth for himself his heirs executors 
administrators and assigns hath for ever warrant and defend the afforesaid 
Lands and tenaments and every part thereof unto the said David Russell his 
heirs and assigns free and clear from any Incumbrance whatsoever and from any 
person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof 
In witness whereof the said Thomas Love hath hereunto set his hand and affixed 
his seal this day and year first above written.

Signed Sealed and Delivered
In the presence of us				   Thomas Love
Silas B. Dunn
John Hagler

(Same property conveyed to Thomas Love by John Hagler in 1806)	

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