Mecklenburg County NcArchives Deed.....Kuydendall, Peter - Fondren, John  July 13, 1768
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Carolyn Shank August 15, 2007, 11:29 am

Written: July 13, 1768
Recorded: July 1768

13 July 1768 - JOHN FONDREN of MECKLENBURG to PETER KUYKENDALL, 65 pounds, 200 
acres on waters of Fishing Creek adj. THOMAS HAWKINS, granted to JOHN ELLIOTT, 
20 Sept. 1766; and another on Fishing Creek adj DICKUS' line, 200 acres 
granted to THOMAS HAWKINS 13 Oct. 1765. Witness: ZACK BULLOCK, ROBERT HARRIS. 
Proved July Term, 1768.

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