Mecklenburg-Rowan County NcArchives Deed.....Henderson, James - Dickey, John November 28, 1763
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Joseph H. Howard May 2, 2007, 4:35 pm

Written: November 28, 1763

1763	28 Nov. John Dickey sold 200 acres on the south side of Fair Forrest 
on Sugar Creek to James Henderson. The following transcribed from a photocopy 
of the originals available from the Register of Deeds, Mecklenburg County, 720 
East Fourth Street, Charlotte, N.C. 28202
Deeds Book 1, p. 739 (On page 740 & 741 is another John Dickey Indenture for 
the same land, dated 29 Nov. 1763. It is virtually the same except for many 
non-important "boiler-plate" inclusions.)
This indenture made the twenty eighth day of November in the year of our Lord 
Christ One thousand seven Hundred & sixty three Between John Dickey of the 
County of Rowan in the Province of North Carolina Gent of the one Part & James 
Henderson of the County of Roan in the Province aforesaid Gent of the other 
part Witnesseth That the Said John Dickey for & in Consideration of the Sum of 
five Shillings Sterl. Money to him in hand paid by the said James Henderson at 
or before the sealing & Delivery of these Presents Doth Grant Bargain & Sell 
Unto the said James Henderson all [that] tract or Parcel of Land Containing by 
Estimation Two Hundred Acres to the same more or less situate Lying and being 
in the County of Anson in the said Province on So. Side of Faire Forrest on 
Sugar Creek above John Hitchcocks survey  begining at a White Oak & Runing 30 
chs to a White Oak thence No. 49 W 67 Chs to a Black [oak?] thence So 41 Wt. 
30 chs to a Stake thence to the first station. The Sd Track of Land was 
Granted by his Majesties Patent Bearing date the Third Day of February 1754 to 
the above names John Dickey And all houses Buildings Orchards Gardens ? 
Improvements Ways Waters Water Courses Profits Commodities Hereditaments 
appurtenances Whatsoever to the Same belonging or in any wise appertaining & 
the Reversion & Reversions Remainder & Remainders and of Profits thereof To 
Have & To Hold the said Described Tract or Parcel of Land be the same more or 
less and all & singular other the premises with their Every of their 
appurtenances unto the said James Henderson his heirs and assigns from the Day 
before the Date hereof for and During the full Term of the Whole Year from 
thence Next Ensuing & fully to be completed(?) and Ended Yielding and Paying 
therefore the Rent of one Pepper Corn on the Twenty-fifth Day of March next 
only ? same be Lawfully Demanded to ? of the Reversion into Possessions and be 
hereby Enabled to Accept & Take ? grant forever. Witness Whereof the said John 
Dickey doth hereunder set his hand and affixed his seal this Day month & year 
here first above Written. Signed sealed & Delivered In the Presence of Wm 
Moore, Thos Yeats, Richd Barry
John Dickey (Seal)
Mecklenburg County the Clerks record of the probate of this Deed is ? Test W. 
B. Alexander, Clk

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