NC,  Mecklenburg Co. - Land Grant to Alexander Berryhill - Sale to Mary Graham
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Submitted by David W. Morgan

The Story of John Berryhill and Elizabeth Derrisaw and Their Descendants

This is an unpublished manuscript done by Thelma Nolen Cornfeld before
her death in 1996. Her daughter Barbara gave me permission to put her
research online.

David Morgan

I believe, but have no proof, that the father of our John Berryhill, Sr., was
the Old Alexander Berryhill who was granted 200 acres of land in Mecklenburg
County, North Carolina, 25 April 1767, then moved to the Colony of Georgia and
sold this 200-acre grant, as a "Georgia Planter" 13 December 1771, to the Widow
Mary Graham.

I don't know where Old Alexander Berryhill came from when he went to North
Carolina. He doesn't seem to be a part of the family of a John and Mary
(Digness) Berryhill, who moved from Pennsylvania to Mecklenburg County, North
Carolina, and settled there about the time Old Alexander Berryhill was in
Mecklenburg County. All lines of Berryhill families, however, are of Scottish

Following is the land grant of Old Alexander Berryhill in Mecklenburg County,
North Carolina, and the sale of this same land after he moved to the Colony of

ALEXANDER BERRYHILL, 200 acres Mecklenburg E't side the Catawba river on the
head waters of Paw Creek beginning at a Hiccory by a large forked black oak,
Archibald Gillards corner on Hugh Berry's line and runs with Gillards line north
30 East 190 pole to a White Oak Saplin by his corner; thence South 60 East 132
pole to a Hiccory at McSilwyns line thence with his line West 128 pole to a
Black Oak thence North 65 West 76 pole to a White Oak thence South 115 West 160
pole to a Hiccory about four pole from Joseph Moores corner a red Oak thence
with Moores line South 100 pole to a White Oak thence to the beginning. Dated
25th April 1767.
                                             Wm. Tryon

* * * * *

This Indenture made this Thirteenth Day of December year of our Lord Christ 
one thousand Seven hundred and seventy one  Between ALEXANDER BERRIHILL of
the Province of Georgia of the one part, planter, and Mary Grahame of the
County of Mecklenburg Province of North Carolina, widow, of the other part
sayth  That for and in consideration of the sum of (torn) pounds
Proclamation Money to the said ALEXANDER BERRIHILL in hand paid by the
said Mary Grahame              ---- that tract or parcel of land lying and
being in the County of Mecklenburg Province aforesaid on the East side of
Cataba River Head Waters of Paw Creek Beginning at a Hicory on Hug Berrys
and runs with Gillands line No. 30 E't 190 to a W.O. Saplin by his corner
thence So 60 E't 132 pole a hicory at McSilwyns line thence with his line
No 120 pole to a hicory thence with Mr. Bekerstaf line W't 128 pole [two
lines torn] a hicory about four poles from Joseph Moors corner a Red Oak
thence with Moors line South 100 poles to a P.O. thence to the beginning
CONTAINING by estimate TWO HUNDRED acres to be the same more or less granted 
to the said ALEXANDER BERRYHILL by patent Bearing Date April 25th 1767.

Signed Sealed and Delivered
in the presence of                ALEXANDER BERRYHILL (seal)
David Hay
John Cathy

North Carolina
Mecklenburg County                                      To wit
                                         Jan'y Term 1772

This is to certify that the Execution of the within Deed was proved in open
Court and Recorded in the Clarks(sp) Office according to law Ordered to be
                                         Robert Harris  CC