Mecklenburg County NcArchives Court.....Record, Real Estate 1922
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Guy Potts January 28, 2008, 8:03 pm

Source: The Charlotte Observer
Written: 1922

11 May 1922

Real Estate Record

The following deeds were filed with the clerk of court yesterday for record:

W.T. Shore, and wife to H.A. Jamison and wife, four lots in Thomasboro, $2,600.

Myers Park Homes company to Nettie Sue Craig, lot on Queens road, Myers Park, 
$1,000, etc.

W.S. Pharr and wife to A.C. Morrison, 2.83 acres in Sharon township, $100, etc.

Lucy T. Potts to Minnie Lee Readling, lot in Dewese township, $200.

Henry Grier and wife to Howard Shipp and wife, two lots in Lemley township, 

R.J. Stough to Frank B. Robbins, 1.95 acres in Dewese township, $312.

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