Mecklenburg County NcArchives Court.....Saunier, Francis  July 26, 1836
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Carolyn Shank December 19, 2007, 4:39 pm

Source: Aug. 5,  1836   Charlotte Journal
Written: July 26, 1836
Recorded: August 5, 1836

                    ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE
   On Friday, the 19th of August next, at the late residence of FRANCIS 
SAUNIER, dec'd, will be exposed to public sale, all the property belonging to 
the Estate of the deceased, consisting in part of the following articles, viz.:
   A Quantity of Silver Plate; 4 Setts of fine Porcelain Ware, one of which 
contains 80 pieces, One fine Marble Clock, Two mahogany Bedsteads, and a 
variety of other furniture, etc. which is valuable. Terms made known on the 
day of sale.
                   B. OATES, Administrator, with will attached
July 26, 1836 

Additional Comments:
B. Oates

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