Mecklenburg County NcArchives Court.....Potts, Robert 1872
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Sloan S. Mason March 26, 2014, 9:33 am

Source: Charlotte Democrat 12 Nov 1872
Written: 1872

State of North Carolina, Mecklenburg Co.
Superior Court

John A. Young, Administrator with the Will annexed of Robert Potts, deceased, 
Plaintiff, against the Devisees, Legatees and Heirs at Law of said deceased, 

Special proceedings to Sell Land for Assets.

It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that T. A. Gillespie and Wm. 
Potts, of full age, and Thos. Gillespie, Ann Gillespie, Fillmore Gillespie, 
Margarette Gillespie and Cynthia Gillespie, infants without guardians, are non-
residents of the State, it is, on motion, ordered by the Court that publication 
be made, in the "Charlotte Democrat," a newspaper published in the City of 
Charlotte, for six weeks successively, notifying said Defendants to be and 
appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court for Mecklenburg county at the 
Court House in Charlotte within twenty days, then and there to show cause, if 
any, why the prayer of the petition shall not be granted, or judgment pro 
confesso will be taken as to them.

E. A. Osborne, Clerk

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