Mecklenburg County NcArchives Court.....McDonald, David July 24, 1838
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Carolyn Shank December 30, 2007, 5:46 pm

Source: July 27, 1838   Charlotte Journal
Written: July 24, 1838
Recorded: July 27, 1838

                   EXECUTOR'S SALE
   Agreeable to the Last Will of DAVID McDONALD, dec'd., we will proceed to 
sell at the late residence of the deceased, at Public Vendue, on the 14th of 
August next, all the unwill property of said deceased, consisting of:
   Ten likely Negroes, men, women, and children, Horses, Cows, and Hogs, some 
Corn, Farming Utensills, one Wagon and Geers, with a variety of other articles 
not enumerated. Due attendance and 12 months credit will be given by the 
                         THOS. T. JOHNSTON
                         SILAS TODD
                         JOS. B. McDONALD
                         GEO. W. McDONALD,   Executors
July 24, 1838

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