Mecklenburg County NcArchives Court.....Dinkins, A. H. Et Al June 1843 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carolyn Shank January 28, 2008, 3:46 pm Source: July 4, 1843 Charlotte Journal Written: June 1843 Recorded: July 4, 1843 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COURT OF EQUITY MECKLENBURG COUNTY Aug. Term, 1843 A. H. DINKINS and wife, CYNTHIA LEONIDAS SPRINGS C. J. HARRIS and wife, LEONA JOHN SPRINGS, JR. SARAH and MARGARET SPRINGS, by their guardian, A. SPRINGS R. A. SPRINGS, LEROY SPRINGS, DOSTER SPRINGS A. R. DAVIDSON and wife, MARY SOPHIA SPRINGS, infant, by her guardian, JOHN SPRINGS SR. VS. J. R. HARRIS, SR; W. A. HARRIS; MARGARET and EUGENIA HARRIS, G. W. DUNLAP and wife MARY Petition to Sell Land It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendants, J. R. HARRIS, SR; W. A. HARRIS; MARGARET and EUGENIA HARRIS, G. W. DUNLAP and wife MARY, are not residents of this State. It is therefore ordered that publication be made for six successive weeks in the Charlotte Journal notifying said defendants to be at our next Court of Equity to be held for the County of Mecklenburg at the Court House in Charlotte on the fourth Monday in August next. Then and there to plead, answer or demur to this petition filed, by showing cause why the prayer of the complainants should not be granted. Witness D. R. DUNLAP, Clerk of the said Court. June 13, 1843 D. R. DUNLAP, CEC Additional Comments: A. H. DINKINS and wife, CYNTHIA,LEONIDAS SPRINGS, C. J. HARRIS and wife, LEONA JOHN SPRINGS, JR. , SARAH and MARGARET SPRINGS, by their guardian, A. SPRINGS. R. A. SPRINGS, LEROY SPRINGS, DOSTER SPRINGS, A. R. DAVIDSON and wife, MARY SOPHIA SPRINGS, infant, by her guardian, JOHN SPRINGS SR., J. R. HARRIS, SR; W. A. HARRIS; MARGARET and EUGENIA HARRIS, G. W. DUNLAP and wife MARY, D. R. DUNLAP. This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.3 Kb