Mecklenburg County NcArchives Court.....Boyd, Benjamin P. Et Al January 11, 1843 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carolyn Shank January 24, 2008, 4:09 pm Source: Jan. 26 , 1843 Charlotte Journal Written: January 11, 1843 Recorded: January 26, 1843 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT IN BANKRUPSY Notice to show cause against the petitions of the following Petitioners for their discharge and certificates as Bankrupts at Wilmington on Monday, the 1st day of May next, to wit: -- Meckenburg County BENJAMEN P. BOYD, farmer WILLIAM BOYD, clerk GEORGE A. GRAY, farmer ANDREW FLANNIKEN, farmer WILLIAM S. WALLACE, farmer JOSEPH PRITCHARD, cabinet maker WASHINGTON PEACOCK, physician JOHN W. RAINEY, painter SAMUEL TAYLOR, brick-layer JOHN B. PEACOCK, physician JAMES C. WILSON, merchant JOSEPH SMITH, farmer M. H. HUCHISON, farmer COLIN KING, farmer W. F. ALEXANDER, constable DAVID KESTLER, carpenter DAVID H. McREE, farmer JAMES CLARK, physician JAMES C. SLOAN, farmer By Order of the Court Jan. 11, 1843 W. E. ANDERSON, Clerk, D.C. This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.5 Kb