Mecklenburg County NcArchives Court.....Ardrey, W. A., Et Al December 1862
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Carolyn Shank August 21, 2007, 2:34 pm

Source: The Standard Of Raleigh, Dec. 17, 1862
Written: December 1862
Recorded: December 1862

The Standard of Raleigh, Dec. 17, 1862
            EXECUTOR'S SALE
   As Executors of the late DR. W. A. ARDREY, we will sell on Tuesday, the 6th 
day of January next, on the premises, in Mecklenburg County, the plantation on 
which the said W. A. ARDREY lived, containing 1,200 or 1,300 acres of land, 
about 300 acres of which are in a high state of cultivation, adapted to the 
culture of cotton, wheat, corn, etc. The plantation is one of the best in 
Mecklenburg County, is well watered and is situated 16 miles south of 
Charlotte, and about six miles southeast of Morrow's Turnout. On the premises 
is a fine two story dwelling house and all necessary outbuildings in good 
   At the same time and place, 25 or 30 negroes belonging to the estate will 
be hired for 12 months.
  Terms made known on day of sale.
                            JAS. B. ROBINSON
                            JAS. P. ARDREY

Additional Comments:
James B. Robinson; James P. Ardrey

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