Mecklenburg County, NC - Beaty Surname in Colonial Records ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Colonial and State Records of North Carolina, Vol 6 759 COLONIAL RECORDS. Several Warrants and Patents for Land were read and Granted as p Warrant and Patent Books - Ordered That all Disputes and Caveats about Lands be heard on Tuesday the Twentieth Instant and that publick Notice be given thereof At a Council held at Wilmington the 20th day of April 1762 Present -- His Excellency the Governor {James Hasell Richard Spaight } The Honble {John Rutherford John Sampson & }Esqre { Lewis De Rossett Henry Eust McCulloh } Several Warrants for Land were Read and Granted as per Warrant Book Nicholas Long Mary his wife & others} against } Robert Hicks, Seth Prior & his wife } Caveat Exors. of Barnabe McKinney } Robert Jones Esqr appeared for Complainants and moved that the said Caveat be Dismissed which was Granted. At a Council held at Wilmington the 21st day of April 1762 Present -- His Excellency the Governor {James Hasell Richard Spaight } The Honble {John Rutherford John Sampson & } Esqer {Lewis De Rossett Henry Eustace McCulloh } On hearing the Caveat William Bourke against William Mace, It is Ordered that Administration issue to William Mace on the Estate of William Mace Deceased with a Copy of his Will annexed. Upon Reading the Petition of James Linn setting forth That Andrew Linn in his Life time and at the time of his Decease was possessed of a Tract of Two hundred and sixty Acres of Land in the County of Anson by a Patent Dated the 17th day of May 1754 the said Land lying in the Waxaw settlement joining the East side of the Catawba River and Henry Whites Line and that in comparing the courses of the said Patent with the marked Lines on the Land there is a manifest Error in the patent and plann by the mistake of the Deputy Surveyor therefore the Petitioner prays that the true Courses may be incerted in the Record as the Land was originally Run And on Francis Beatys making oath to the same Ordered that the Record of Andrew Linns Patent 260 Acres in Anson County be altered accordingly. 1011 COLONIAL RECORDS. opinion that the said Writing cannot in law be admitted as the last Will of the said Deceased who dying Intestate Ordered that the Letters of Administration with the Will annexed or Letters Testamentary Granted by the Court of Cumberland County be revoked and that Letters of Administration according to Motion and according to Law be Granted to Mary Gibson Widow Relict of the deceased, The said Mary Gibson appeared before the Court and took the Oath of an Administratrix, and proposed Richard and John Quince Merchants as her Securities for four thousand pounds proclamation Money for the legal and Faithfull Administration of the said Estate, Ordered that Letters of Administration issue out of the Secretarys Office upon bond being given as aforesaid Read and Granted Sundry Warrants for land from No. 298 to 334 Inclusive as pr Warrant Book. At a Council held at Wilmington the 21st April 1763 Present--His Excellency the Governor. {James Murray Lewis H. De Rossett } The Honble {James Hasell and }Esqre {John Rutherford John Sampson } Read the Petition of Samuel Gingles setting forth that the Petitioner is possessed of a Tract of 246 Acres of land in Mecklenburgh County (formerly Anson) as appears by Patent dated the 11th May 1753 and by Mistake of the Deputy surveyor or the Beginning Corner is erroneously said to be on the North side of Mountain Creek &ca Whereas said Corner is and was originally made on the South side of the said Creek Praying said Error may be Expunged by an Order of Council and that the true situation of said Beginning Corner be fixed on the South side of said Mountain Creek. The Allegations set forth in the said Petition having been proved by the Oath of Francis Beaty Deputy Surveyor for Mecklenburgh County The Petition was Granted and the Patent and Record amended by Order in Council Read and Granted Sundry Warrants for land as pr Warrant Book from No. 334 to No. 345 Inclusive. Pursuant to an Order of Council dated the 21st October 1762, The Surveyor General by his Deputy Arthur McKay returned a Resurvey of the following Tracts of Land on the Sound now in New Hanover County Viz 2,500 Acres Granted to Samuel Swann the Colonial and State Records of North Carolina, Vol 7 733 COLONIAL RECORDS. [B. P. R. 0. A. & W. I. N. C. No. 216.] REGULATORS' ADVERTISEMENT No. 9. To THE GOVERNOR & COUNCILL &c. The humble Petition of US the Subscribers sheweth that We the Enbabitants of Orange County pay larger Fees for recording Deeds than any of the adjacent Counties and many other Fees more than the Law allows by all that We can make out from which a jealosie prevails that we are misused and application has been made to our representatives to satisfy us But we were disregarded in the said application upon which the said discontent growing more and more so as to threaten a disturbance of the public peace, we therefore beg that those matters may be taken under your serious consideration and interpose in our Favour so that we may have a fair hearing in this matter and [be] redressed where we have been wronged Our complaints are too numerous and long to be notified in a Petition, but have sent herewith copies' of the Applications Petitions &c that has been made on this Occasion with a small sketch of our Misusage and begging your protection and aprobation in so just and equitable ! an undertaking and an opportunity to be heard We conclude your humble Petitioners. Simon Hadley John Wilson William Copeland Junr John Youngblood Joseph Park William Dunkin John Bullen William Inglish John Marshills James Barnes Thos Youngblood William Caps Peter Youngblood Nickless Brewer Abram Bradley George Wilson Rednap Howell Laurence Bradley James Youngblood David Smith Charles White Samuel Dark William Copeland Senr Joseph Clark William Paine Thomas Glover James Wills John Grubbs Enoch Spinks Benjamin Grubbs James Barns Eshmael Williams John Erwin Richd Copeland Luke Welsh David Brown William Levy Jacob McDanil James Wilson Brinceley Barnes Neheh Williams Andre Jones Eron Harlow ___ Brown Enoch Pugh Ulrick Whit John Maudlin Matthew Davis John Baxtor John Henderson Alex: Kenedy 735 COLONIAL RECORDS. Also to a third Petition of the same kind were the following Names. George Raines Thomas Grarnes Nehemiah Odle Joseph Henson Patrick Kelly Edward Lang Timothy Tukins Prusley Wren Abraham Stroud William Henson Harmon Cox Walter Ashmore. Stephen Harlan There is also on loose sheets of Paper the following names which it is presumed were subscribed to the above Petition -- Jacob Fudge John Fudge . Thos Hendrey Sen? George Hendrey Thos Hendrey Junr Gidn Gilbert Senr James Williams James Maudlin John Fruit John Macvay Benjamin Maudlin Richard Smith Gidn Gilbert junr Daniel Brown Thomas Swift his Charles Goldstone James X Hugh Jacob Marshill mark Wm Drinkin John Boe Joshua Hadley Charles Miles James Willet John Acuage Daniel Dowdy Isaac Brooks John Croswell John Miles senr Wm Tomson Muicher Lille Robert Wilkins John Brooks Jacob Dobbins Wm Bannistor James Brooks Ely Branson Wm Wilkins Walter Welch Tho. Thorntown Alex: Wilkins Go Adam Salling Jno Marswaine Wm Caps Thos Fullar Tho' Beaty Francis Pooey Jno Youngblood Tho' Wilborne Randol Check Peter Youngblood Tho' Moon Jerem: Melton Amos Vernon Samuel Skin John Miles Junr James Brown Wm Marly Nathaniel Powel Robert Brown John Cowen Oyen Doud Jonathan Davis Daniel Sanders Neh: Howard Thos. Davis Uldric White Umfrey Pooey Jesse Hadly Gilbard Croswell Thomas Miles Abra: Thornton Peter Givil Wm Barber John Smith Hendry Senderman Richd Barber John Brox John Paterson Solomon Morgan Nich: Aldridge John Barton John Wilkins Roger Marfey John Bery Wm Learey Wm Tague Will Smith Philip Hartzo Howel Brooer Slan Richardson Colonial and State Records of North Carolina, Vol 8 378 COLONIAL. RECORDS. In the Assembly 24th January 1771 Resolved, That Hugh Beaty be allowed fifteen pounds and David Brown one pound five shillings, out of the sinking fund, it being made appear to this House that the said Beaty and Brown lost proclamation money to that amount by fire which was entirely destroyed and that the Treasurers or one of them pay the same and be allowed in their Accounts with the Public. R. CASWELL, Speaker. By order. J. Green, Clk. in the upper House 25th January 1771. Concured with J. HASELL, P. By order J. Burgwin, Clk. Received from His Excellencv the Governor the following message, Viz, GENTLEMEN OF His MAJESTYS HONBLE Council, I send you herewith an extract of a letter from Sir William Johnston to His Majestys Secretary of State and also an extract of a conference held by Sir William Johnston with the six nations of Indians, their Allies and Confederates at the German fiats last July - - - These will fully inform you of the complaints made by the Indians of the abuses and violences committed by the Traders and Frontier Inhabitants of some of His Majestys American Colonies, and will likewise point out to you how earnest the Indians have been in those Complaints and what is likely to happen if they are not redressed; In consequence of which I have it in command from the King to represent this matter in the strongest manner to your consideration; I therefore earnestly request you will fall on some means of putting Indian Affairs especially on the borders of this Province under such Regulations as may have the effect to prevent those abuses of the Trade and those violences and encroachments of the F! rontier Inhabitants which is so much complained of by the Indians. Wm. TRYON. NEWBERN 25th January 1771. Received from the Assembly a Bill for securing and preserving the Titles of the Freeholders in this province. On motion read the first time and passed. 460 COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolved, That the Treasurer shall produce at each session of the Assembly an Account of all the monies by him received and paid away, together with the vouchers thereof; and also an account of all monies which ought to have been paid by the collectors of the Public Revenues, and a list of the Persons from whom any money is due to the Public, with an account of the manner by which it came due. Resolved, That a clerk shall be appointed to make a fair copy of the said Journal kept by the Treasurer, and from thence make a ledger, in which he shall raise and keep an Account of every collector of Public Revenue, an Account of each fund, and cash account, in which shall be entered all the monies received and paid, which Ledger shall be opened for the inspection of every Member of Assembly, during each Session. Resolved, That James Green Junr he appointed clerk to keep the said Books, and that he shall begin with the Accounts now returned by the Treasurers making from thence a Journal and Ledger with the accounts, as above directed. Resolved, That the Clerk of this Assembly shall enter on the Journals of each session a list of all certificates of allowances and claims by him made out at the end of each Session. Resolved, That the Treasurers in their Respective Districts are hereby impowered to purchase at any vendue had on Account of Judgments obtained by the Public, such goods, chattels, lands and tenements, as they may think proper, and take such deeds, or other conveyances as the nature of the purchase may require, in behalf of, and for use of the Public; and such deeds or other conveyances shall be received from the Treasurers, in Lieu of the purchase money, on the settlement of their accounts with the Public. The Treasurer of the Northern District having informed the House that lie purchased several tracts of land, late the property of James Johnston, Sheriff of Tyrril, on Account of a debt due from the said Johnston to the Public, Resolved, That. the said Treasurer shall sell the said lands at Public Sale, after having given two months notice thereof in the Public Gazette to the highest bidder, on two years credit, taking bond and security for the purchase money, in behalf of the Pub1ic: and the said bond or Bonds to carry interest from the day of sale. Mr Rutherford presented the Petitions with affidavit annexed. of Hugh Beaty and David Brown of Rowan County, setting forth that 461 COLONIAL RECORDS. in the year 1770, the former lost fifteen pounds and the latter one pound five shillings in proclamation money which was consumed by fire, praying relief, &ca. On motion Resolved, That Hugh Beaty be allowed fifteen pounds and David Brown one pound and five shillings out of the sinking fund, it being made appear to this House, that the said Beaty and Brown lost proclamation money, to that amount by fire, which was entirely destroyed; and that the Treasurers or one of them pay the same, and be allowed in their Accounts with the Public. Then the House adjourned till 10 O'Clock tomorrow morning. Friday January 25th 1771. The House met according to adjournment. On motion ordered the Clerk furnish the printer with a copy of the reports of the Committee appointed to examine into the Allegations charged against Mr Thomas Person, one of the Members of this House, and that the same be printed in the Public Gazette. Col. Edmund Fanning, a Member of this House, having been charged in the Public papers, with many things injurious to his character, both as a Representative of the People, and as a member of the community and besides these circumstances, of common fame, having had many accusations and complaints exhibited against him to this Assembly, The House proceeded to inquire into the facts laid to his charge; and after the strictest examination, find the several accusations against him to be false, wretched and malicious, arising from the malevolence of a set of Insurgents who style themselves Regulators, who in defiance of the dictates of humanity, and of the Laws of their Country, have atrociously injured him in his person, property and character. The House therefore in common justice Resolve Ncm.Con, That the aspersions thrown upon the character of the said Col. Edmund Fanning are groundless, base and scandalous, and that as far as anything has appeared to this House his conduct has been fair, just and honorable both as a Member of this House in particular, and of the community in general. John Burgwin Esquire having in pursuance of a Resolve of last Session of the Assembly of this Colony at a great expence and trouble in sending of Expresses to different parts of this Government and collecting of a complete list of Taxables from the different Counties of this Province down to the present time and other papers, 463 COLONIAL RECORDS. gracious Sovereign to recommend to his Parliament a repeal of that Act, as far it relates to this Colony; which if your Excellency should happily obtain for us, we intreat you to take the affair under your direction in the same manner you kindly intended to do, in consequence of a petition to His Majesty in a former Session of Assembly. R. CASWELL, Speaker. Mr Macknight moved for leave to present a Bill for securing and preserving the titles of the freeholders in this Province. Ordered he have leave accordingly. Mr Macknight presented the said Bill which he read in his place and delivered in at the Table where the same was again read passed, and ordered to be sent to the Council. Sent by Mr Macknight and Mr Jarvis. Mr Rutherford moved for leave to present a Bill for dividing the North part of Rowan County, and erecting a new County and Parish, by the name of Surry County and St Judes Parish. Ordered he have leave accordingly. Mr Rutherford presented the said Bill, which he read in his place and delivered in at the Table, where the same was again read, passed and ordered to be sent to the Council. Sent by Mr Rutherford and Mr Gray. Recd from the Council the Resolve of this House for allowing the sum of fifteen pounds to Hugh Beaty, and the sum of one pound five shillings to David Brown. Concurred with - JAMES HASELL, P. C. On motion ordered the following Message be sent to his Excellency the Governor, To His EXCELLENCY WILLIAM TRYON ESQUIRE, CAPTAIN GENERAL, Governor &ca, SIR, We herewith send your Excellency a Resolve of this House allowing Hugh Beaty fifteen pounds and David Brown the sum of one pound and five shillings, to which His Majesty's council have concurred and request your Excellency's assent thereto. Rd CASWELL, Speaker. On motion ordered the following message be sent to the Council, 467 COLONIAL RECORDS. Sent by Mr Skinner and Mr Hare. Recd from the Council the Bill for dividing the northern part of Rowan County, and erecting a new County and Parish by the name of Surry County and St Judes Parish, In the upper House read the third time and passed. Ordered to be engrossed. Recd from the Council the Resolve of this House allowing John Burgwin three hundred pounds. Concurred with. J. HASELL, P. C. On motion ordered the following message to be sent to His Excellency the Governor, To His EXCELLENCY WILLIAM Tryon, ESQUIRE, Captain GENERAL, Governor, &Ca, Sir. We herewith send your Excellency a Resolve of this House for allowing John Burgwin three hundred pounds, to which His Majesty's Council have concurred, and request your Excellency's assent thereto. Rd CASWELL, Sp. Recd from the Council the following Bills, The Bill to regulate the issuing of marriage licences. The Bill to authorize Presbyterian Ministers, regularly called to any congregation within this Province, to solemnize the rites of matrimony under the regulations therein mentioned, In the upper House read the third time and passed. Ordered to be engrossed. Received from His Excellency the Governor the Resolve of this House allowing Hugh Beaty, fifteen pounds, and David Brown one pound five shillings. Wm TRYON. On motion Resolved that Richard Henderson Esquire who appeared as prosecutor of the several charges and allegations against Thomas Person, one of the Members of this House, pay to the officers and witnesses the following allowances, to wit: s. d. To Memucan Hunt, Sergeant at Arms.. 19 10 0. To Zachariah Bullock, do do 19 10 0 To William Moore a witness 3 15 0 To James Hester do 4 10 0 To Robert Lewis do 4 10 0 Colonial and State Records of North Carolina, Vol 9 623 COLONIAL RECORDS. Letter, but it had no consequences except the passing an Act to dissolve the Vestry of Unity Parish that had been illegally chosen. If My Lord, I could have conceived it had the least tendency to rigor against the Presbyterians, my own conscience would not have permitted me to propose it, for I admire the generous, humane and tolerating spirit of the Laws of England, have ever considered their tender regard to conscience among the noblest characteristics. of the British Constitution. Pursuant to a promise I lately made to some of the Dissenters in the County of Rowan to lay a petition they presented to me before his Majesty, I have now the honor to transcribe a Copy thereof to your Lordship. It is signed by many persons of good character, who have been on all occasions the steady friends of Government. I have the honor to be &c JO. MARTIN. The Petition of His Majesty's Dutiful and loyal Subjects, Inhabitants of Rowan County. To His Excellency Josiah Martin Esquire Governor and Commander IN CHIEF IN AND over the Province OF Carolina Most humbly Sheweth, That amidst many of the blessings of Heaven and advantage which we enjoy under a mild, and in many things equitable Government for all which we desire to make the most grateful acknowledgements Yet we still look upon ourselves unhappy in some things which we flatter ourselves, were your Excellency and the other Branches of the Legislature of this Province made sensible of in a much inferior degree to what we feel, it would excite you all, to redress as far as in your power, and if in any particular our necessity constrains us to ask relief, in a way or method beyond your power to grant, which is not our intention, we pray that you would beseech our most gracious Sovereign to commiserate our Case and grant us the relief we so much need. In the first place, we look upon ourselves peculiarly unhappy in having our worthy and pious Pastors viz. Presbyterian Ministers pointed out in the Preamble of an Act of Assembly concerning Marriage passed at New Bern in December 1766, as persons regardless of Law, and acting contrary to good Order, in joining many Persons 624 COLONIAL RECORDS. together in Holy Matrimony without either licence or publication, which we do not know to be true of any one of them in one single instance and yet they still ly under the Charge and are moreover deprived of the privilege of marrying their own people according to the Directory of the Presbyterian Church, which has so discouraged them, that those that are not already placed are unwilling to settle in the Province, and even some who were placed after waiting several years for a redress of said grievances without obtaining it, have actually removed out of it to the great grief and discouragement of many loyal Subjects who for the same reason seem resolved to leave the Province likewise. Your Excellency's readiness to hear, and likewise to redress grievances of every kind, give us flattering hopes that your Excellency will endeavor to have an amendment of the act of Assembly above mentioned so far as to tolerate the Presbyterian Ministers to marry those of their own Congregation by Publication. And your Petitioners as in duty bound shall ever pray. Signed: Alexr Osborn James Reede James Brandon James Harris Robert Allison Wm Armstrong Robt Carruth William Hide John Graham Zachariah Sallyer Thomas Caradine Jas Carrutli James Hay W. Bcllah David Kerr Jno Brandon Junr John McConal James McKnight Jno McConce James Grant Wm McKnight William Lock James Graham Senr Jos Dickson Moses Thompson James Graham Junr Hugh McQuown John Tod John Phifer Thos McQuon James McKoun John Gostman Hugh Park John Bates David Fifir Thomas Cook Thomas Thomson Mark Brison John Welbert John Dickey Geo. Fredk Barger James Mardun Samuel Geingles Mich Birringer Francis Galdose Jas. Huggins Joseph Hays Ant. Bridgewater Robt Huggins John Lock John Littringer John Huggins Isaiah Sallyer Hugh McKnight Arthur Irwin Matthew Brandon Jacob Birringer Richard Brandon John Brandon Senr Philip Barger John Bates Robt Campbell Lindway Teldred Walter Bellah John Beaty William Piers Colonial and State Records of North Carolina, Vol 10 120 COLONIAL RECORDS. [From MS. Records In OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE.] Minutes of a meeting of the Freeholders in Tryon County. NORTH CAROLINA Tryon County. } Pursuant to Notice. At a meeting of the Freeholders of the County of Tryon at the Court House of said County on the Twenty Sixth Day of July one thousand seven hundred and seventy five; in order to elect a Committee for said County, The Following persons were chosen to wit: For Captain Beatey's Company -- Thomas Beatey, David Jenkins, Jas. Johnston, Jacob Forney. Captain Carpenter's Company -- Thomas Espey, Valentine Mauney, Nicholas Friday. Captain Coburn's Company -- James Coburn, Robert Alexander. Captain Harden's Company -- Joseph Harden, Benj. Harden, Davis Whitesides. Captain Hambright's Company -- Frederick Hambright, James Logan. Captain Hampton's Company -- Andrew Hampton, John Morris, George Russell. Captain Barber's Company -- Charles McLean, John Robinson, John Barber. Captain Magnes' Company -- William Graham, James McAfee, Perrigreen Magnes. Captain Paris' Company -- George Paris, Ambrose Mills. Captain Aaron Moore's Company -- John Walker, John Beeman, George Black. Captain Baird's Company -- Andrew Neel, James Baird, Wm Patterson. Captain MKinney's Company -- John MeKinney, Jonas Bedford. Captain Kuykendall's Company -- Abraham Kuykendall, Wm Thomason, Robert McMinn. 161 COLONIAL RECORDS. worth, John Ancrum, Wm. Campbell, John DuBois, Wm. Ewins, Jno. Robeson, Fran's Brice, James Walker, Wm. Wilkinson, Henry Toomer. Mr. Cotton, Mr. Sam'l Williams, and his son Jacob Williams, being ordered before this committee; they all, and voluntarily, of their own accord, signed the Association entered into by the inhabitants of this county; and readily took an Oath drawn up by the deputy chairman. The said James Cotton, Sam'l and Jacob Williams, very cheerfully consented to go to the Congress, to be held at Hillsboro on the 21st inst., there to pass whatever examination may be thought proper by the said Congress. Ordered, That they be attended by a few gentlemen who are going to Hillsborough; and that the deputy chairman write to the Congress, giving an account of these men, since they were taken in Bladen County. Captain Thomas Fitch appeared before the committee, and swore on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God, that the cargo he had on board the schooner Swallow was not intended, nor should not be landed at any Port, except in some of the West India Islands; and that he is to proceed to Hispaniola, and from thence to Jamaica. Ordered, that the certificate produced by Captain Fitch, from Humphrey and Jewkes, be filed among the committee papers. Saturday Evening, 8 o'clock. At an occasional meeting of the committee. Present: Francis Clayton, Deputy Chairman ; Wm. Wilkinson, James Blythe, Wm. Ewins, Henry Toomer, Jno. DuBois, Jno. Forster, Fran's Brice, William Campbell, John Ancrum, Peter Mallett. Ordered, That Mr. Cotton, and the two Williamses be allowed to go up to the Convention by the way of X Creek. The committee then adjourned. [FROM MS. RECORDS IN OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE.] Proceedings of the Safety Committee in Tryon County. Met according to adjournment. [14 August, 1775.] Present: John Walker, Chairman; Thos Beatey, David Jenkins, VOL. x--11 162 COLONIAL RECORDS. Jacob Forney, Thomas Espey, Valentine Mauney, James Coburn, Robert Alexander, Joseph Harden, Benjamin Harden, Frederick Hambright, James Logan, Andrew Hampton, John Morris, Charles McLean, John Robinson, William Graham, James McAfee, George Paris, John Beeman, George Black, Andrew Neel, James Baird and David Whitesides, who took the necessary Oaths for their Qualification. Andrew Neel was duly elected Clerk of the Committee. Resolved, That Col. Charles McLean serve as Deputy Chairman in the absence of Col. Walker. Resolved, That each Company elect three members of Committee for this County who on a Debate, are each man to have his vote. Resolved, That this Association be signed by the Inhabitants of Tryon county, [viz] AN ASSOCIATION. The unprecedented, barbarous and bloody actions committed by the British Troops on our American Brethren near Boston on the 19th of April & 20th of May last, together with the Hostile operations & Traiterous Designs now Carrying on by the Tools of Ministerial Vengeance Despotism for the Subjugating all British America, suggest to us the painful necessity of having recourse to Arms for the preservation of those Rights & Liberties which the principles of our Constitution and the Laws of God, Nature, and Nations have made it our duty to defend. We therefore, the Subscribers Freeholders & Inhabitants of Trvon County, do hereby faithfully unite ourselves under the most sacred ties of Religion, Honor & Love to Our Country, firmly to Resist force by force in defence of our Natural Freedom & constitutional Rights against all Invasions, & at the same time do solemnly engage to take up Arms and Risque our lives and fortunes in maintaining the Freedom of our Country, whenever the Wisdom & Council of the Continental Congress or our Provincial Convention shall Declare it necessary, & this Engagement we will continue in and hold sacred till a Reconciliation shall take place between Great Britain and America on Constitutional principles which we most ardently desire. And we do firmly agree to hold all such persons Inimical to the liberties of America, who shall refuse to subscribe to this Association. Signed by John Walker Jacob Forney Peter Sides Charles McLean Davis Whiteside William Whiteside 163 COLONIAL RECORDS. Andrew Neel John Beeman Geo. Dellinger Thomas Beatty John Morris Samuel Barbender James Coburn Joseph. Harden Jacob Moony, Jun Frederick Hambright John Robison John Wells Andrew Hampton Valentine Mauny Jacob Cortner Benjamin Hardin George Black Robert Hulclip George Paris Jas. Logan James Buchanan William Graham Jas. Baird. Moses Moore Robt. Alexander Christian Carpinter Joseph Kuykendall David Jenkins Abel Beatty Adam Simms Thomas Espey Joab Turner Richard Waffer Perrygreen Mackness Jonathan Price Samuel Smith James MAfee Jas. Miller Joseph Neel William Thomson John Dellinger Samuel Loftree Resolved ncm.con. That we will Continue to profess all Loyalty and attachment to our Sovereign Lord King George the Third, His Crown & Dignity, so long as he secures to us those Rights and Liberties which the principles of Our Constitution require. Resolved, and we do Impower every Captain or other Officer in their Respective Companies to raise sufficient force in order to detain and secure all powder and Lead that may be removing or about to be Removed out of the County; and that they do prevent any of such powder and Lead from being sold or disposed of for private uses; but to be under the direction of this Committee until the Delegates shall return from the provincial Convention; Provided nevertheless that this Resolution is not meant to hinder any persons Inhabitants of other County's from Carrying powder and Lead through this County to their respective abodes unless there is just Cause to suspect that they Intend such Powder and Lead for Injurious purposes; then and in such case notice is to be given to the Committee of the County in which such person resides, that they make such order thereon as to them shall seem proper. Resolved, that Mr Daniel MeKissick do make application to the Council of Safety of Charles Town for 500 weight Gun powder 600 weight Lead, and 600 Gun Flints to be distributed under the direction of this Committee when it shall be judged necessary. Resolved, That we do Recommend to the Captains of the Several Companies in this Regiment to call together their men in order to collect what money they can conveniently to provide powder and 164 COLONIAL RECORDS. Lead, And that they make due return of what money is received to the Committee at next meeting. Resolved, That this Committee meet at the Court House of this County on the 14th Day of September next there to Deliberate on such matters as shall be Recommended by Our Provincial Convention. Signed by JOHN WALKER, Chairman. THE JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE PROVINCIAL CONGRESS OF NORTH CAROLINA, HELD AT HILLSBOROUGH 20TH AUGUST, A. D. 1775. NORTH CAROLINA, Pursuant to a Resolve of the late Convention, Mr Samuel Johnston summoned a meeting of the delegates at Hillsborough on the 20th day of August, 1775, at which time the members from a majority of the Counties and Towns not appearing he adjourned tlie Congress till tomorrow morning 10 O'Clock Monday August 21st 1775. At a General meeting of Delegates of the Inhabitants of this Province, at Hillsborough the twenty first day of August A. Dom. 1775 aforesaid For Anson County -- Thomas Wade, Samuel Spencer, William Thomas, David Love, William Picket. Beaufort -- Roger Ormond, Thomas Respess, Jr., John Patten, John Cooper. Bladen -- William Salter, Walter Gibson, Thomas Owen, Thomas Robinson, Junr, Nathaniel Richardson. Bertie -- William Gray, Jonathan Jaycocks, Charles Jaycocks, William Brimage, William Bryan, Zedekiah Stone, Thomas Ballard, Peter Clifton, David Standley, John Campbell, John Johnston. Brunswick -- Robert Howe, Robert Ellis, Parker Quince, Thomas Allon, Roger Moore. Bute -- Green Hill, William Person, Thomas Eaton, Revd Henry Patillo, Jethro Sumner, Josiah Reddick. Craven -- James Coor, William Bryan, Richard Cogdell, Joseph Leech, Jacob Blount, Edmond Hatch. 204 COLONIAL RECORDS. they enter on the Execution of the said Office, shall give Bond and sufficient Security, in the Sum of Fifty thousand pounds proclamation money to the provincial Council. Mr Farquard Campbell and Mr King have leave to absent themselves from the services of this Congress. Mr Caswell informed the Congress that as they had done him the honor of appointing him Treasurer of the Southern district of this province, and one of the Signers of the Public Bills of Credit, his attending those duties would render it entirely out of his power, to attend the Continental Congress as one of the Delegates of this Province; he therefore requested this Congress would be pleased to appoint some other Gentleman in his stead. Whereupon it is Resolved, That John Penn, Esquire, be and he is hereby appointed a Delegate in behalf of this Province, in Conjunction with William Hooper, and Joseph ilewes, Esquires, and that he be invested with the same powers, and entitled to the same Allowance, that the said Richard Caswell would have been vested with, and intitled to, under a former resolution of this Congress. Resolved, that the Secretary, as soon as this Congress rises, deliver the Journals to Mr James Green, who is directed to Transcribe a fair Copy immediately, and deliver it to Mr. James Davis, who is desired to print the same and send a copy to each of the Members of this Congress as soon as possible Mr Wade laid before the Congress a Letter from John Coulson with a Recantation and Association entered into and signed by a number of the people called protestors with which the house is satisfied. The Congress Adjourned till Tomorrow Morning 6 Clock. Saturday September 9th 1775. The Congress met according to Adjournment. The house taking into Consideration the Appointment of the Field Officers of the Minute Men, came to the following Resolution: Resolved, That the following persons be appointed, to wit, Edenton District -- Edward Vail, Colonel; Andrew Knox, Lieut. Colonel; Caleb Nash, Major. Halifax District -- Nicholas Long, Colonel; Henry Irwin, Lieut. Colonel; Jethro Sumner, Major. Salisbury District -- Thomas Wade, Colonel; Adlai Osburn, Lieut. Colonel; Joseph Hardin, Major. 205 COLONIAL RECORDS Hillsboro District -- Jones Thackston, Colonel; John Williams, Lieut. Colonel; James Moore, Major. New Bern District -- Richard Caswell, Colonel; William Bryan, Lieut. Colonel; Jones Gorham, Major. Wilmington District -- Alexander Lillington, Colonel; Robert Ellis, Lieut. Colonel; Samuel Swann, Major. And that the following persons be Field Officers of the Militia. Currituck County -- Samuel Jarvis, Colonel; Dennis Dauge, Lieut. CoI; Taylor Jones, first Major; John Nicholson, second Major. Pasquotank County -- John Lowery, Colonel; Isaac Gregory Lieut. Colonel; Demsey Burgess, Major; Joshua Campbell, second Major. Perquimons County -- Miles Harvey, Colonel; William Skinner, Lieut Col; Thomas Harvey, first Major; Richard Clayton, second Major. Chowan County -- Thomas Bonner, Colonel; James Blount, Lieut Col; Thomas Benbury, first Major; Jacob Hunter, second Major. Bertie County -- Thomas Whitmill, Colonel; Thomas Pugh, Lieut Col; James Moore, first Major; Arthur Brown, second Major. Hertford County -- Benjamin Wynns, Colonel; Matthias Brickle, Lieut Col; Lawrence Baker, first Major; George Lyttle, second Major. Tyrrel County -- Edward Buncombe, Colonel; Benjamin Blount, Lieut Col; James Long, first Major; Joseph Spruill, second Major. Martin County -- William Williams, Colonel; Whitmill Hill, Lieut Col; Thomas Wiggins, first Major; Kenneth MeKinzie, second Major. Halifax County -- John Bradford, Colonel; William Alston, Lieut Col; David Sumner, first Major; Egbert Haywood, second Major. Northampton County -- Allen Jones, Colonel; William Eaton, Lieut Col; Jeptha Atherton, first Major; Howell Edmunds, second Major. Edgecombe County -- William Haywood, Colonel; Sherwood Haywood, Lieut Col; Joseph Moore, first Major; Henry Horne, second Major. Bute County -- William Person, Colonel; Phil. Hawkins, Lieut Col; William Alston, first Major; Thomas Sherwood, second Major. Anson County -- Samuel Spencer, Colonel; Charles Medlock, Lieut Col; James Auld, first Major, David Love, second Major. 206 COLONIAL RECORDS. Mecklenburg County -- Thomas Folk, Colonel; Adam Alexander, Lieut Col; John Phifer, first Major; John Davidson, second Major. Guilford County -- Ransom Sutherland; Colonel; James Martin, Lieut Col; John Paisley, first Major; John Tate, second Major. Tryon County -- William Graham, Colonel; Charles Maclaine, Lieut Col; Thomas Beaty, first Major; Fred'k Hambright, second Major. Surry County -- Martin Armstrong, Colonel; Joseph Williams, Lieut Col; William Hall, first Major; Joseph Winston, second Major. Rowan County -- Griffith Rutherford, Colonel; Francis Locke, Lieut. Col; John Dobbin, first Major; James Brandon, second Major. Craven County -- Joseph Leech, Colonel; John Bryan, Lieut. Col; John Benners, first Major; Fred'k Becton, second Major. Carteret County -- William Thomson, Colonel; Solomon Shepherd, Lieut. Col; Thomas Chadwick, first Major; Malichi Bell, second Major. Beaufort County -- James Bomer, Colonel; Thomas Bomer, Lieut. Col; Roger Ormond, first Major; William Brown, second Major. Hyde County -- Rotheas Latham, Colonel; Benja Parmerlin, Lieut. Col; William Russell, first Major; Thomas Jones, second Major. Johnston County-- Needham Bryan, Colonel; William Bryan, Lieut. Colonel; John Smith, first Major; Samuel Smith, Jr, second Major. Dobbs County -- Abraham Sheppard, Colonel; Thomas Torrans, Lieut. Colonel; Martin Caswell, first Major; Wm McKinnie, second Major.. Pitt County -- John Simpson, Colonel; Robert Salter, Lieut. Colonel; George Evans, first Major; James Armstrong, second Major. Brunswick County -- John Davis, Colonel; Thomas Davis, Lieut. Colonel; Rich'd Quince, Jr, first Major; Parker Quince second Major. Onslow County -- William Cray, Colonel; Henry Rhodes, Lieut. Colonel; Thomas Johnston, first Major; James Howard, second Major. Duplin County -- James Kenan, Colonel; Richard Clinton, Licut. Colonel; Thomas Routledge, first Major; James Moore, second Major. 207 COLONIAL RECORDS Cumberland County -- Thomas Rutherford, Colonel; Alexr McAllister, Lieut Colonel, Duncan McNeill, first Major; Alexr McDonald, second Major. Newhanover County -- William Purviance, Colonel; Sampson Moseley, Lieut Colonel; William Moseley, first Major; John Devane, second Major. Bladen County -- Thomas Robeson, Junr, Colonel; Thomas Brown, Lieut Colonel; Thomas Owens, first Major; James Richardson, second Major. Orange County -- John Hogan, Colonel; John Butler, Lieut Colonel; Willm Moore, first Major; Nath'l Rochester, second Major. Granville County -- Joseph Taylor, Colonel; Charles R. Eaton, Lieut Colonel; Samuel Smith, first Major; William Williams, seeond ~iajor. Wake County -- John Hinton, Colonel ; Theophilus Hunter, Lieut Colonel; John Hinton, Junr, first Major; Thomas Hines, secund Major. Chatham County -- Ambrose Ramsey, Colonel ; Jeduthan Harper, Lieut Colonel; Mial Scurlock, first Major; Elisha Cain, Second Major. And the Proportion of the Minute Men to be raised in each County is as follows, viz, Currituck, one Company. Craven, two Companies. Pasquotauk, one Carteret, one Perquimans, one Beaufort, one Chowan, two Hyde, one Bertie, two Johnston, one Hertford, one Dobbs, three Tyrrell, one Pitt, one Martin, one Brunswick, one Halifax, three Onslow, two Northampton, two Duplin, two Edgecombe, three Cumberland, one Bute, two New Hanover, two Anson, two Bladen, two Mecklenburg, two Orange, three Tryon, two Granville, three Guilford, one Wake, two Surry one Chatham, two Rowan, two 423 COLONIAL RECORDS. Mr Chairman laid before the Committee a letter from the Committee for the District of Newbern relating to John Tison. Ordered to be filed. Mr. Chairman produced a Receipt from Majors Batton & Gorham for a Quantity of ammunition. Ordered to be filed. Mr Chairman reported that he .Recd 15O 1/2 yds [ ] came in the sloop Temperance & ordered that the Chairman pay Mr Rother Leathem or order 16d [per] yd for the same. Mr Chairman laid before the Committee a letter from the Committee for the District of Edenton & a Recpt for powd for the use of the same. Ordered to be filed. On motion Recommended to Mr Pettit & Mr Kennady to choose persons to settle their affairs. JOHN SIMPSON Chairmn. [FROM MS. RECORDS IN OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE.] Proceedings of the Safety Committee in Tryon County. At a Committee held for the County of Tryon the fourth Tuesday of January A. D. 1770. Present: William Graham, Chairman. Pursuant to a Resolve of the Provincial Congress the Following Persons were Chosen as a Committee for this County who are to serve as such till the third Tuesday of October next or untill the next General Election of County Committees. For Captain Beatey's Company -- David Jenkins, Jacob Forney. For Capt. Carpenter's Company -- John Dillinger, Nicholas Friday. Captain Coburn's Company -- Robt. Alexander, In lieu of Jas. Coburn, Francis Armstrong. Capt. Harden's Company -- Joseph Harden, Benj. Harden. Capt. Hambright's Company -- Frederick Hambright, James Logan. Capt. Hampton's Company -- Andrew Hampton, John Morris. Capt. Barber's Company -- Alexander Gilliland, Robert Parks. Capt. Magness' Company -- William Graham, James McAfee. Capt. Paris' Company -- George Paris, John Earle. Capt. Aaron Moore's Company -- John Walker, Esq., Robert Porter. 424 COLONIAL RECORDS. Capt. Baird's Company--James Baird, Robert Armstrong. Capt. McKinney's Comjany -- John McKinney, Thomas Townsend. Capt. Kuykendall's Company -- Wm Yancey, John Ashley. Pursuant to which appeared, Robert Alexander, John Dillinger, Frederick Hambright, Alexander Gilliland, Robert Parks, George Paris, Robert Porter, John MKinney, Thomas Townsend, Wm Yancey, & John Ashley who subscribed the Test as required by the Provincial Congress. The Committee Adjourned till tomorrow 8 o'clock. Met according to adjournment. Present: William Graham, chairman; and Andrew Hampton, Geo. Paris, Robt. Parks, Robt. Alexander, Robt. Porter, Alexander Gilliland, John McKinney, John Ashley, Thomas Townsend, Wm Yancey, Frederick Hambright, Joseph Harden. Resolved, That Wm Graham Esq, James Logan, Frederick Hambright, Robt. Alexander, Robt. Parks, Alexander Gilliland & David Jenkins be a Committee of Secrecy. Resolved, That no person or persons of the County of Tryon shall sell or dispose of Salt, Iron or Steel to any person within the county for more than Two hundred per cent. from the first Cost, purchased in Charles Town, Cross Creek, or port where salt is to be got, upon the forfeit of paying Ten Shillings Proc. Money for every Twenty Shillings worth they shall sell or dispose of contrary to this Resolve. Resolved, That no person or persons shall bring up Rum from any place into this County and sell it for more than eight shillings [per] Gallon, by the quart or any smaller measure at the rate of Ten Shillings [per] Proc. Gallon; for every such offence shall pay Eight Shillings out of every gallon. Such persons as have License to Retail Liquors only excepted. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee that the suits depending in the inferior Courts of this County as well on the Civil Docket as on behalf of the Crown Docket to be generally tried, and proceeded on as far as final judgment at the next April Term according to the Rules of the said Court where the Trials can be had with justice to the parties. Committee adjourned till the first Tuesday in June next. WILLIAM GRAHAM, Chairman. 440 COLONIAL RECORDS. [FROM MS. RECORDS IN OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE.] Proceedings of the Safety Committee in Tryon County. Met in pursuance of Orders from the Committee of Safety of Salsbary District dated Feb'y 6th, 1776. The Persons for Tryon County at Capt Hambright's on the 9th Instant. Present: William Graham, Chairman; Frederick Hambright, James Logan, Alexander Gilliland, Robert Parks, James Beard, Robert Armstrong, John Dellinger, Robert Alexander, Francis Armstrong. James Logan, Clerk, chosen for that day. Resolved, according to Orders of Committee of Safety, Each Capt. in his District, cause every third effective to go and joyn the forces Raised in the other Counties in this Province to suppress all Insurrections that is raised & may be raising in our said Province that are against the cause of American Liberty. Resolved, That Each man that Refuses if alotted to go on this Immergency shall be Deemed Enemies to their Country, & shall be dealt with according to the Resolves of the Congresses or otherwise. Resolved, That Mr William Moore be now appointed Commissary for the Regiment of Tryon County in the present Immergency for this Province, to go against those that are against the cause of American Liberty, & that the said William Moore shall now on sight prepare Waggons, Provisions & such things as Iyes in his power for the Support of the said Regiment, & be Ready at Major Thomas Beatie's by the 15th Instant with such support. WILLIAM GRAHAM, Chairman. The Committee adjourned till the first Tuesday in June next, according to the former adjournment. Oath administered to every member of Committee. I, A. B., Do voluntarily and Solemnly Swear upon the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God that I will not Reveal or make known to any person or persons whatsoever any Intelligence, Circumstance matter or thing which the Majority of the Committee present shall think necessary to conceal, and which the Committee by the Chairman, Deputy Chairman or the other presiding member shall order and Direct to be kept secret. So help me God. ______________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Curtis Elvin MOORMAN Mason - ______________________________________________________________________