McCachern Documents ****************************************************************** File transcribed and contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Cindy McCachern <> USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. USGenWeb NOTICE: Libraries and individual researchers may download this file for personal, non-commercial use only. Any other use requires written permission from the transcriber. ****************************************************************** May the 27th 1794--Received of the administrators of my father John McCachran the gift and full sum of 25 pounds, 10 shillings, 1 pence in part of my shar of my said father's estate. I say received by me. Elizabeth McCachren (mark) State of North Carolina We John McClillan and Robert Harris are hereto formally bound unto Hezekiah Alexander Esquire Chairman of the County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions held for the county of Mecklinburg in the sum of one hundred pounds currency to be paid by us to the said justices or their sussessors in office in trust for the benefit of Hector McEachern---minor of John McEachern--deceased to be void on condition that John McLellan--who is appointed guardian of said minors--Hector McEachern--shall well and faithfully discharge his duty as guardian aforesaid in several cases which by law in such case is require to do. Sealed and discharged in presence of Isaac Alexander John McClellan (seal) Robert Harris (seal) March the 17th 1795 recd of the administrators of John McCaharan decd the just and full sum of twelve pounds in part of my wife Elizabeth McCaharan's share of her father John McCaharan estate--by me--Alexander Huie (mark) Test. Chas. Alexander October 27th 1794--Received of the administrators of my father John McCachran the sum of thirty eight pounds eight shillings in part of my share of my fathers estate i say received by me. Hector McEachren Received August the 6th 1791 by me Peter Huie of Mecklenburg County and state of North Carolina (now husband to Mary the widow of John McCachran) of William Harris john McClelan and Robert Harris administrators of john McCachran deceased of the county and state aforesaid the sum of thirty eight pounds eight shilings and two pence current money of North Carolina in part of the said Mary McCachran (now my wife) share of the said John McCachrans estate agreeab le to law of which sum of thirty eight pounds eight shillings and six pence I the said Peter huie do acquit and full discharge the said William Harrish, John McClelan and Robert harris their heirs executors and administrators and every of them forever by theses presents. In witness where of I have hereunto set my hand and seal this sixth day of August 1791. Signed sealed and delivered in presence of Alex Kimmings Peter Huie (seal) April 25th 1796--Received of the administrators of John McCachran deceased the swiift and full sum of forty pounds for Katherine McCachran due to her in part from her fathers estate with full interest of thirty five pounds to this present day. John Cochran, Guardian July 23, 1796--Recd of the interest of the above 5 pounds for 3 years --John Cochran January 16, 1799--Then received of the administrators of John McCachran deceased the sum of three pounds, six shillings, and eight pence in part o my wifes share of her father, john McCachran's estate--I say received by me. Alexander Huie (mark) Wm. Ferguson July 26th 1800--Then received of the administrators of John McCachran the sum of one pound, nine shillings and two pence the remainder of Katherine McCachran's share of her father John McCachran's estate with the interest to this day per me. John Cochran August 20, 1802--I Joseph Shinn being appointed guardain by the county court of Cabarus for the three minor legates of John McCachran deceased viz. Ann McCachran, Shusana Scott McCachran, and Mary McCachran hath this day received of the administrators of said McCachran forty one pounds five shillings for each of said legatees with the full of the lawful interest for each share clear of all demands for said legatees (principle interest 174 pounds, 0 shillings, 3 pence) I say recd by me Joseph Shinn guardian Test. Robert Ferguson J+uly 27th, 1802 Then received of John Cochran forty one pounds, seven shillings and two pence together with the whole of the interest due thereon being the share of my wife due her out of her father John McCachrans estate. per me. John Farr Rob. Harris, Test. November 14, 1801--Then received of the administrators of John McCachran deceased forty one pounds, five shillings in full being my share of my father John McCachran's estate due me together with the whole of the interest. Due thereon to this date--I say received by me. Nancy McCheren April 14/1801--Then received of the administrators of John McCacharn deceased the sum of 5 pouns, 4 pence and 2 shillings and in trust the remainder of my full share of the estate of John McCacharans deceased. The last of my share of the estate unto me by law I say received by me for my wife Mary the relic of John McCachran, Deceased. Peter Huie James Huie State of North Carolina, Mecklenburg County--We the undernamed subscribing justices for the peace for said county being appointed a committee by the court of said county for to settle with the administrators of John McCachran deceased hath this met according to appointment and examined the vouchers brought forward before us and have approved as followeth viz. Administrators--To amount of sales as per clerks certificate produced to us--422 pound, 4 shillings, 4 pence; Supera credit by vouchers no. 1 123 pounds, 15 shillings no. 2 41 pounds, 5 shillings no. 3 3 pounds, 6 shillings no. 4--2 pounds no. 5--1 pound, 9 shillings, 2 pence no. 6 5 pounds, 4 shillings, 4 pence By a partial settlement oat October sessions 1794 per clerks certificate 164 pounds, 12 shillings, 6 pence By ditto at October sessions 1790 as per by the comiticertificate 90 pounds, 3 shillings, 10 pence Total 432 pounds, 13 shillings Allowance for the 10 pounds October 21 1882 We examined the enclosed vouchers and find that the administrators have paid 10 pounds 9 shilling, 2 pence over the Chas. Alexander We the undernamed have examined the vouchers produced by the Adm of the estate of John McCachran and are of opinion that they are ocrrect and out to be admitted Adam Week Chs. Harris Oct-Sept 1802 And further we find by the receipts that the administrators have overpaid the amt of the estate 10 pounds, 9 shillings, 2 pence Chas. Harris. State of North Carolina Mecklinburgh County Know all men by these presents, that we Hector McCachren and Peter Huea are held and firmly bound unto his excellency esquire, governor, captain-general, and commander in cheif of the state aforesaid, in the just and full sum of five hundred pounds, current money of this state, to be paid to his said excellency the governor, his successors or assigns; to the which payment well and truly to be made and done, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators. Sealed with our seals, and dated this 26 day of July. Anno domini 1791. The condition of the above obligation is such, that wereas the above bound Hector McCachron hath made application for a licence for a marriage to be celebrated between him and Elisabeth Huea of the county aforesaid: now in case is shall not appear hereafter that there is any lawful cause to obstruct the said marriage, then the above obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Signed, sealed and delivered, in presence of Hector McCachron, Peter Huie Alexander State of North Carolina Mecklinburgh County ****************************************************************** File transcribed and contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Cindy McCachern <> USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. USGenWeb NOTICE: Libraries and individual researchers may download this file for personal, non-commercial use only. Any other use requires written permission from the transcriber. ****************************************************************** Know all men by these presents, that we Hector McCachren and Peter Huea are held and firmly bound unto his excellency esquire, governor, captain-general, and commander in cheif of the state aforesaid, in the just and full sum of five hundred pounds, current money of this state, to be paid to his said excellency the governor, his successors or assigns; to the which payment well and truly to be made and done, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators. Sealed with our seals, and dated this 26 day of July. Anno domini 1791. The condition of the above obligation is such, that wereas the above bound Hector McCachron hath made application for a licence for a marriage to be celebrated between him and Elisabeth Huea of the county aforesaid: now in case is shall not appear hereafter that there is any lawful cause to obstruct the said marriage, then the above obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Signed, sealed and delivered, in presence of Hector McCachron, Peter Huie Alexander May the 27th 1794- Received of the administrators of my father John McCachran the gift and full sum of 25 pounds, 10 shillings, 1 pence in part of my shar of my said father's estate. I say received by me. Elizabeth McCachren (mark) State of North Carolina We John McClillan and Robert Harris are hereto formally bound unto Hezekiah Alexander Esquire Chairman of the County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions held for the county of Mecklinburg in the sum of one hundred pounds currency to be paid by us to the said justices or their sussessors in office in trust for the benefit of Hector McEachern---minor of John McEachern--deceased to be void on condition that John McLellan--who is appointed guardian of said minors--Hector McEachern--shall well and faithfully discharge his duty as guardian aforesaid in several cases which by law in such case is require to do. Sealed and discharged in presence of Isaac Alexander John McClellan (seal) Robert Harris (seal) March the 17th 1795 recd of the administrators of John McCaharan decd the just and full sum of twelve pounds in part of my wife Elizabeth McCaharan's share of her father John McCaharan estate--by me--Alexander Huie (mark) Test. Chas. Alexander October 27th 1794--Received of the administrators of my father John McCachran the sum of thirty eight pounds eight shillings in part of my share of my fathers estate i say received by me. Hector McEachren Received August the 6th 1791 by me Peter Huie of Mecklenburg County and state of North Carolina (now husband to Mary the widow of John McCachran) of William Harris john McClelan and Robert Harris administrators of john McCachran deceased of the county and state aforesaid the sum of thirty eight pounds eight shilings and two pence current money of North Carolina in part of the said Mary McCachran (now my wife) share of the said John McCachrans estate agreeab le to law of which sum of thirty eight pounds eight shillings and six pence I the said Peter huie do acquit and full discharge the said William Harrish, John McClelan and Robert harris their heirs executors and administrators and every of them forever by theses presents. In witness where of I have hereunto set my hand and seal this sixth day of August 1791. Signed sealed and delivered in presence of Alex Kimmings Peter Huie (seal) April 25th 1796--Received of the administrators of John McCachran deceased the swiift and full sum of forty pounds for Katherine McCachran due to her in part from her fathers estate with full interest of thirty five pounds to this present day. John Cochran, Guardian July 23, 1796--Recd of the interest of the above 5 pounds for 3 years --John Cochran January 16, 1799--Then received of the administrators of John McCachran deceased the sum of three pounds, six shillings, and eight pence in part o my wifes share of her father, john McCachran's estate--I say received by me. Alexander Huie (mark) Wm. Ferguson July 26th 1800--Then received of the administrators of John McCachran the sum of one pound, nine shillings and two pence the remainder of Katherine McCachran's share of her father John McCachran's estate with the interest to this day per me. John Cochran August 20, 1802--I Joseph Shinn being appointed guardain by the county court of Cabarus for the three minor legates of John McCachran deceased viz. Ann McCachran, Shusana Scott McCachran, and Mary McCachran hath this day received of the administrators of said McCachran forty one pounds five shillings for each of said legatees with the full of the lawful interest for each share clear of all demands for said legatees (principle interest 174 pounds, 0 shillings, 3 pence) I say recd by me Joseph Shinn guardian Test. Robert Ferguson J+uly 27th, 1802 Then received of John Cochran forty one pounds, seven shillings and two pence together with the whole of the interest due thereon being the share of my wife due her out of her father John McCachrans estate. per me. John Farr Rob. Harris, Test. November 14, 1801--Then received of the administrators of John McCachran deceased forty one pounds, five shillings in full being my share of my father John McCachran's estate due me together with the whole of the interest. Due thereon to this date--I say received by me. Nancy McCheren April 14/1801--Then received of the administrators of John McCacharn deceased the sum of 5 pouns, 4 pence and 2 shillings and in trust the remainder of my full share of the estate of John McCacharans deceased. The last of my share of the estate unto me by law I say received by me for my wife Mary the relic of John McCachran, Deceased. Peter Huie James Huie State of North Carolina, Mecklenburg County--We the undernamed subscribing justices for the peace for said county being appointed a committee by the court of said county for to settle with the administrators of John McCachran deceased hath this met according to appointment and examined the vouchers brought forward before us and have approved as followeth viz. Administrators--To amount of sales as per clerks certificate produced to us--422 pound, 4 shillings, 4 pence; Supera credit by vouchers no. 1 123 pounds, 15 shillings no. 2 41 pounds, 5 shillings no. 3 3 pounds, 6 shillings no. 4--2 pounds no. 5--1 pound, 9 shillings, 2 pence no. 6 5 pounds, 4 shillings, 4 pence By a partial settlement oat October sessions 1794 per clerks certificate 164 pounds, 12 shillings, 6 pence By ditto at October sessions 1790 as per by the comiticertificate 90 pounds, 3 shillings, 10 pence Total 432 pounds, 13 shillings Allowance for the 10 pounds October 21 1882 We examined the enclosed vouchers and find that the administrators have paid 10 pounds 9 shilling, 2 pence over the Chas. Alexander We the undernamed have examined the vouchers produced by the Adm of the estate of John McCachran and are of opinion that they are ocrrect and out to be admitted Adam Week Chs. Harris Oct-Sept 1802 And further we find by the receipts that the administrators have overpaid the amt of the estate 10 pounds, 9 shillings, 2 pence Chas. Harris.