MECLENBURG COUNTY, NC - COURT - Rebecca Fuller v. The Real Estate of 
				Isham Fuller, deceased

Contributor's note:  Isham Fuller (died 1846) and his mother, Sarah Fuller 
(died 1845, widow of Alsey Fuller) died intestate and had estate files in both 
Mecklenburg County, NC, and in York County, SC.  They are buried, along with 
Alsey Fuller, in the Flint Hill Baptist Church Cemetery, Fort Mill, SC.  
Transcriptions of some documents from their Mecklenburg County Estate files 
I expect to also place transcriptions of the York County intestate estate 
files of Alsey Fuller, Sarah Fuller and Isham Fuller in the York County SC 
USGenWeb Archives.  North Carolina State Archives citation for these estate 
files is CR 065.508, Box 90.  Transcriptions within quotation marks. 
[Bracketed material added by contributor.]

"Rebecca Fuller vs. The Real Estate of Isham Fuller deceased
Petition for Dower
April Term 1846

State of North Carolina
Mecklenburg County
Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions
April Term 1846

	To the worshipful the justices of said court.  The petition of Rebecca 
Fuller humbly complaining sheweth unto your worships -
	That she is the widow & relict of Isham Fuller late of said county who 
died since the last term of this court intestate and possessed of a tract of 
land lying and situate in said county adjoining the lands of Hugh Harris and 
others leaving the following  infants his heirs at law -- for whom there has 
not been any guardian appointed viz.  William  Jones - Sarah - Alsy & Henry 
Clay Fuller.  She prays your worships to issue an order to the sheriff to 
summon a jury of good and lawful men to lay of[f] and set apart unto her her 
dower according to act of assembly in such cases made & provided and she as in 
duty bound will ever pray.
			Greer [J of P?] for Petitioner"


	Copyright.  All rights reserved.

	This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives 
	by:  Milford Kirby