Guardian Petition of Bevery E. [Eoff] Moody [Moodey] concerning funds for
his three minor children, Bevery R. Moody, Stella H. Moody and Beverly E.
Moody. 1902

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         This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb
         Archives by: Carol A. Morrison
North Carolina       }                     In the Superior Court
Mecklenburg County   }
            { In the matter of Beverly E. Moody Guardian of        }
            { Beverly R. Moody, Stella H. Moody & Beverly E. Moody }
                                       That he is the Guardian
of the estate of the above named infants, duly appointed by this
Court and qualified according to law.  That the only propery of said
Wards within the jurisdiction of this Court, which has, or will come
into the hands of your petitioner, or into the hands of any one else, to
the best of your petitioners' knowledge, information and belief is the
sum of $128.99 in money which fund is now in the hands of your
petitioner as such guardian.  That the mother of said wards departed
this life prior to the qualification of your petitioner as such guardian,
and it has become necessary for your petitioner, the father of said wards
to go to large extra and necessary expense for the comfort, benefit and
advantage of said wards, that their funds, now in his hands, he now
expended for their welfare and benefit.  That the minor ward, Beverly
R. Moody, aged 11 years, is an invalid, in critical condition of health,
requiring the constant service and attention of skilled physicians and
surgeons, necessitating the expenditure of his funds now in the hands
of your petitioner in addition to the expenditure of such portion of
personal income of your petitioner as is available in behalf of said
three wards.  That the minor ward, Stella H. Moody 9 years of age
requires in addition to the personal expenditure by petitioner as afore-
said, the additional expenditure of her funds in petitioners' hands for
her maintenance and education, and the minor ward, Beverly E.
Moody, aged 20 months, requires the expenditure of his funds with
the addition aforesaid, for necessary nursing, care and attention.
     Your petition further shows said minor wards have interests in
certain real estate in the state of New Jersey, their shares of the
small income and profits of which are also paid in trust for their
benefits, but this added to the expenditures above named, is insuf-
ficient for the purpose of maintenance and support and ex-
penses above mentioned.  That said wards income from said
interests in New Jersey real estate will be some measure of
protection to said wards in the future, but not being within the
jurisdiction of this Court, not the property controllable by
this petitioner in this state, it will be for the best interests of
said wards that the funds now in the hands of your petitioner
as guardian as aforesaid be applied in the manner and for
the purposes aforesaid.
     Wherefore your petitioner prays that the Honorable Court
make such order and decree as shall be _ete and proper in the
                                               Clarkson & Dula
                                               Attys for Petitioner

North Carolina      }
Mecklenburg County  }  B. E. Moody being duly sworn makes oath
that the foregoing petition is true of his own knowledge, except
the facts and matters therein stated on information and be-
lief, and as to those facts and matters he believes it to be true.
Sworn to and subscribed before        B.E. Moody
me this 2d day of Dec. 1902
  J. A. Russell  CSC

     This cause coming on to be heard upon the petition of B. E.
Moody, Guardian etc. and being heard, and it appearing to the
Court that it will be for the interest, benefit and advantage of
said minor wards that the corpus of their funds, to wit- $46.33 for
each, now in the hands of said guardian be expended:  Beverly R.
Moody's for his necessary medical and surgical expenses & board,
Stella H. Moodey's for her care, maintenance & education, & Beverly
E. Moodey's for his nursing, care and attention, and being necessary
for these purposes.  It is thereupon adjudged & decreed that said funds
be expended & said guardian be allowed to expend them in the manner and
for the purposes aforesaid, and that bona fide receipts given him for such
expenditures shall be ample and proper vouchers in his hands in the
settlement of said Guardianship.
                                     J. A. Russell    CSC
The foregoing order & decree is confirmed, ratified & approved.  This Dec
3/ 1902.
                           Albert L. Coble Judge Superior Court, presiding
                                            12 Judical Dist.

[Order Book 9, page 316-317, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina]

Submitted by Carol A. Morrison, 3217 Friendly Road, Fayetteville, NC  28304