Duplin - Mecklenburg County NcArchives Bible Records.....Samuel Stanford Bible
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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
Sloan S. Mason - slomas7@comcast.net

Samuel STANFORD Bible
Duplin County, NC
Source: Rev. War Records file

(Duplin Co., NC Court - Samuel STANFORD states he was born in Chester Co., 
PA -11 Oct 1764. My father lived in Mecklenburg Co., NC during the Rev. War 
until his death. After the war I moved to Robeson Co., NC, then to Bladen 
Co, then to Duplin Co. in 1791. He married Margaret TORRENCE - 21 May 1801, 
Duplin Co., NC & died 17 May 1833 in said County)

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Sam'l. and Margot STANFORD were married May 21st, 1801 (in Duplin Co., NC)
Essence? STANFORD was born April 21st 1802
Sam'l STANFORD was born July 12th, 1803
Alexander STANFORD was born October 6th, 1804
Thomas STANFORD was born October 14th, 1805
Eliner Elizabeth STANFORD was born August 19th, 1807
---- (no 1st name) STANFORD was born April 5th, 1809
James H.? STANFORD was born August 21st 1810
Jonathan D. STANFORD was born August 2nd 1812
Margaret Catherine STANFORD was born February 16th 1814
Calista Charity STANFORD was born February 12th, 1816
Sam'l STANFORD died 16th of May 1833
Jonathan D. STANFORD died June 10th, 1834
Calista B. GREGORY died (no date)

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Sam'l STANFORD died 16th of May 1833
Jonathan D. STANFORD died June the 10th, 1834
Calista C. GREGORY died November