Mecklenburg County, NC - Alexander Love Ross Family Bible


Bibles: Alexander Love Ross, 1816: Mecklenburg County, NC

NOTE: Christopher Elms and his brother and father found three old bibles 
in his deceased grandmother's attic.  Unfortunately, the heat nearly 
destroyed the bibles, but the family record pages were legible.  
Although the title page was missing, Chris found a date of 1814 on the 
New Testament title page.  

Alexander Love Ross, son of Major Frances Ross and Rachel Hill Ross, 
died in Mecklenburg County, NC in 1823.  Col. Thomas J. Grier was named 
guardian of the minor children, and two of Thomas' children married 
children of A.L. Ross.  John Harris Grier married Margaret Paulina 
Ross, and Robert A. Ross married Mary Jane Grier.

The bible passed to the Elms family through granddaughter, Melvina 
Grier Blankenship Elms, wife of James A. Elms.  Emma Garrison Elms, 
daughter-in-law of Melvina and James Elms, added her children to empty 
spaces on the family pages.

Digital images available on request via e-mail

Alexander Love Ross Bible, Published 1816


Page 1


James ROSS was born 23 December 1773
WW ROSS was born 21 Sep 1777
AL ROSS was born October 4th 1775
Rachel HILL, wife of AL ROSS, was born Jan. 22, 1779
AL ROSS was ___________[?]
Frank HARRIS ELMS was born May 14, 1896
William Albert ELMS was born April 31, 1895


Francis ROSS died March the 27th 1779
Rachel his wife died April the 26th 1790
Rachel ROSS wife of AL ROSS died 17 July 1821
AL ROSS Died August the 16 1823
William James ROSS - son of AL ROSS Died October the 8 - 1823
Janie [too faint to read]

Page 2

[Top of page is missing]
--------- ill ROSS was born March 28th 1804 [Jane Hill Ross]
Francis Madison and Elizabeth ROSS was born June the 19 ---1806
Louisa ROSS was born May 8th 1809
Margaret Paulina ROSS was born March 30th 1813
William James ROSS was born July 6 -1815
Robert John ROSS born July 12th 1821
Deborah C. TAYLOR, wife of RA ROSS was born Oct the 18th 1822


Malvina Desdemona HARRIS was born the 2nd day of January 1823
John Alexander HARRIS was born the 27th day of August 1830
Rachel Eleanor HARRIS was born July 27th 1832
[something illegible in old style writing]
Janie Melvina ELMS was born May 8 1903
Ella Gertrude ELMS was born October the 16th 1889
Mamie Loriene ELMS was born May the 22 1891
Livy GRIER ELMS was borm March the 10, 1893
William Albert ELMS was born Jan 31st 1895

Page 3


AL ROSS  & Rachel was married December the 23--------1800
John M. HARRIS & Evelina E. ROSS were married the 19th day of April 1825
William Jas. STRONG & Elisabeth ROSS were married the 20th of March 1827
Samuel NEEL & Louisa ROSS were married the 6th of May 1830
Robt. A. ROSS & Deborah C. Taylor were married the 9th of Nov 1843
Robert A ROSS & Mary J GRIER were married Nov 8 1848
[Top of right column missing]
William Albert ELMS and Emma Louise GARRISON was married January the 
11th 1888
Burr John HARRISON and Isoletta Deviere GARRISON was married March the 
17th 1887

Page 4


James ROSS died Oct the 19th 1802
WW ROSS died August the 5th 1808
Deborah C. ROSS wife of R.A. ROSS died October 12th 1846
Jane Hill ROSS died Feby 12th 1877 Aged 73 years
Robert A ROSS died Jany 24th 1863 aged 41 years 6 months & 12 days
Melvina Desdemona HARRIS Daughter of JM & EE HARRIS died January the 10 
- 1833
[in pencil and smudged]
Janie _____________ ELMS
Janie Melvina ELMS died April 24, 1904 Age 1 year 11 months


Obituary of Alexander Love Ross:
In the prime of his life, at his seat on the Catawba River, Mecklenburg 
Co., NC. Capt. Alexander Ross,--eminent for his honesty, integrity, and 
firm patriotic principals.  He was the last son of the Revolutionary 
hero, Maj. Francis Ross, of S. C. who fell in the struggle for the 
independence of his country.  Capt. Ross left a numerous family of 
children, and respectable connections, who will long lament their 
irreparable loss.


Copyright. All rights reserved.

This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by
Janie Elms Matthews - (transcriber) and 
Christopher Lee Elms - (owner)