Mecklenburg County, NC - John Harris Grier Family Bible


Bibles: John Harris Grier, 1842: Mecklenburg County, NC

Christopher Elms and his brother and father found three old bibles in 
his deceased grandmother's attic.  Unfortunately, the heat nearly 
destroyed the bibles, but the family record pages were legible.  
Although the title page was missing, one entry identified the following 
bible as belonging to John Harris Grier with the date of 1842.

John Harris Grier, a fourth-generation Mecklenburg County, NC citizen, 
was born 1811 and died 1864. He was born and died in the Steele Creek 
area of Mecklenburg County. His parents were Col. Thomas J. Grier and 
wife Mary Harris Grier. John and many of his family are buried in the 
historic Steele Creek Presbyterian Church graveyard. 


Surnames: Grier, Elms, Ross, Blankenship, Wiley, Bowden, Harris, Springs

Page 1 - BIRTHS

Evelina Melvina Grier was born February 21st. 1835
[Someone inserted TJ in a gap between Melvina and her brother William]
TJ Grier was born July 14, 1863
William Londes Grier was born May 10th 1838
Mary Fanny Grier was born January 22, 1850
Margaret Paulina Ross was born March 30th 1813
Martha Eulelia Elms was born July 27, 1859
William Albert Elms was born March 17th 1862
Ella Gertrude Elms was born October 16, 1888

Column 2 - DEATHS

Margaret Paulina Grier Died October 18th 1841 in the 28th year of her age
Margaret M.A. Springs died June 28th 1837
Martha Emmeline Grier died October 9th. 1857 in the 40th year of her age
John T.J. Grier son of JH Grier and LA Grier was born July 14, 1863
John Harris Grier died May 13th 1864 in the 52nd year of his age.
[repeated] Died May the 13, 1864 in the 52 year of his age.

Page 2 - BIRTHS

Jesse a servant was born May 1845
Thomas Jackson Grier was born July the 14, 1863
Samuel D. Bowden was born September 31, 1840
Thomas Jackson Grier
Martha Emmeline Grier was born Oct 26th 1817
John Harris Grier was born September 25th 1811
Mary Francis Grier was born January the 22, 1850
James A. Elms born May 3th 1829
Jackson J. Blankenship was born March 5th 1821
John Harris Grier's Book, June 1842

Column 2  DEATHS

Rhoda a servant died April 16th 1842
Jesse died June 1846
Jane died Feby 3rd, 1847

Margaret Ella Harris died August 27th 1874 aged 20 years & 6 months
Lorena Davis died Aug 17, 1862
Margaret Ella Harris Died Aug 27th 1874, aged 20 years 6 months [a repeat]
Melvina E. Elms died May the 26, 1883
Martha Eulelia Wiley Died Feb the 12, 1887 in the 28 year of her age

Page 3 - BIRTHS

Margaret Ella Blankenship was born February the 11 1854
Martha Eulelia Elms was born July the 27 1859
William Albert Elms was born March 17th 1862
E Clarkson Grier was born Dec 11th 1821
James Edward Elms was born Nov 9th 1908
John Leonard son of J.H. & Lucie A. Grier was born November 12th 1860
Lorenna Davis daughter of JH & Lucy A. Grier was born December 8th 1861
Francis Gertrude Harris was born August 31st 1872
Francis Gertrude Harris was born August 31st 1872 [repeated in different 
Mamie Loriene Elms was born May 22, 1891

Column 2 - DEATHS

James A. Grier & family left North Carolina for Mississippi November 
25th, 1846
E. Clarkson Grier left North Carolina for Mississippi December 9th 1846

James A. Elms departed this life June 20th 1862 at Camp Davis Company H. 
11th Regiment North Carolina Troops aged 33 years
Lorena Davis died 17th of August 1862
Martha Eulelia Wiley died Feb the 12, 1887 in the 28 year of her age
(In pencil under Eula's death is faintly shown Ella and 27 Aug 1874)
She died in full hope ___[?]
Ella Gertrude Elms was born Oct 16, 1888


John H. Grier and Margaret Paulina Ross were married May 8th 1834
John H. Grier & Lucie A. Smith were married January 5, 1860
James Jackson Blankenship & Melvina E. daughter of John H. & Margaret 
Paulina Grier were married Sept 21, 1852
James H. Harris & Margaret Ella, daughter of J.J. & Melvina E. 
Blankenship were married October 19, 1871

Column 2 - MARRIAGES

John H. Grier & Martha Emeline daughter of Edmond & Frances Smith were 
married March 10th 1846
James A. Elms & Evelina Melvina daughter of John H. and Margaret 
Paulina Grier were married August 19th 1858 					
				 J.H. Grier
B.F. Wiley & Martha Eulelia, daughter of James A. & Melvina E. Elms 
were married October 3rd 1877
W. A. Elms and Emma L. Garrison was married Jan the 11, 1888

Mecklenburg Co. NC - Obit of Thomas Greer, 1828. Buried at Steele Creek 
Presbyterian Church, Mecklenburg County, NC. 

From "Western Carolinian" issue of 20 February 1828
Died: "In Mecklenburg county, on the 29th ult. Thomas Greer, Esq. In the 
84th year of his age, a highly respectable and most valuable citizen."


Copyright. All rights reserved.

This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by
Janie Elms Matthews - (transcriber) and 
Christopher Lee Elms - (owner)