NC, Mecklenburg, Bible, R.E. Garrison


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This file was contributed by Linda Blackwelder, Feb 2001.


(This bible belongs to J. Samuel Knox)

Information about the listed people has been added to further identify the 
people listed in the bible.  This information in ( ).(E. J. Garrison lived in 
the Steele Creek Twp of Meck. Co., NC)

Hannah C. Garrison (Hannah Catherine Youngblood) and E. J. (Elias J.) Garrison 
was married Dec 25  1867
E.  J. Garrison was married to R. E. Knox (Ruth Eliza) April 19, 1876

Hanna D. Garrison was born Feb 21, 1873
E.  J. Garrison was born March the 13  1841
H. C. Youngblood was born July the 19  1837
C.  P. (Charles Pettus) Knox was born June the 25  1849
Hannah D. Garrison died oct 3, 1874 aged 1 year 7 months and 5 days (buried in 
Pleasant Hill Presby Cem.)
E.  J. Garrison died Oct 2, 1909
Hannah C. Garrison died Feb 28, 1873 (buried beside her daughter in Pleasant 
Hill Presby. Cem)
W. H. Knox died July 25 1919 (William Harrison Knox buried at Steele Creek 
X. Presby Cem shows b. Apr 10, 1841, d. July 25, 1919)
Mary Kizziah Knox died Jan 19, 1936 (Buried at Steele Creek Presby. Cem. shows 
birth as Feb. 5, 1848)
Sarah Agnes Knox died Oct 25 1938 (Buried at Steele Creek Presby Cem. shows irth 
as June 6, 1868, wife of Charles P. Knox)
Lenora Blackwelder died Feb 17 1936 age 66 years (she was a sister to Sarah 
Agnes Blackwelder Knox)