Mecklenburg County NcArchives Marriages.....1866 Mecklenburg Co. NC, Marriages (Black)
Copyright.  All rights reserved.

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
Linda Blackwelder

The marriages are taken from Microfilm # C.065.62001 from the N. C. State
Archives, Raleigh, NC.
Brent Holcomb published the book "Marriages of Mecklenburg Co., NC, 1783
0 1868.  The following marriages are some that were found on microfilm
that were not included in his book.  Some of  the marriages in 1866 did
not identify whether they were black or white and these have been shown
first.  As marriages are added, there will be separate listings of the
white marriages and black marriages.  This has been done to help speed
your research.  These marriages are taken from the actual copy of the
original bond or license and has been typed exactly as it was shown.
Some were difficult to read, however, all spelling of names are as they
appeared on the documents.
Lic or Li  - License 
Bd. - Bond
Date following Lic , Bd, etc. - Date it was issued.
m. 	- Married
J.P. or JP - Justice of the Peace
min - Minister

The number in front of the marriage continues through both the black and
the white marriages as they appeared by year, month and date. The
original plan was to publish a book and therefore, the numbering system
was a mean to use from the index, however, it is shown on these listings
as they were catalogued when they were typed.  There will be blocks of
numbers missing when the searcher goes from white marriages to black
marriage as the numbers will continue on one or the other listings.

93.  Bd. only:  11 Jan 1866, Frederick HOOVER to Jane HOOVER, Bondsmen:
Frankin (x) Hoover & Jim (x) Grier.

94.  Bd. only:  19 Jan 1866, Charles ALEXANDER to Sarah DAVIS, Bondsmen:
Charles Alexander & John Alexander.	

95.  Lic. Only:  6 Apr 1866, Billy HAGINS to Julia A. HAGINS, m. 8 Apr
1866 by E. Davidson

96.  Bd. only:  17 Apr 1866, John REA to Venas QUERY, Bondsmen:  John (x)
Rea & Wm (x) McLaughlin

97.  Bd. only:  21 Apr 1866, John JONES & Georgianna THOMPSON, Bondsmen:
John (x) Jones & Green (x) Blair.

98.  Bd. only:  31 May 1866, Michael HARRIS to Sarah WATSON, Bondsmen:
Michael (x) Harris & Wash (x) Maxwell.

99.  Bd. only:  2 June 1866, Campbell INGRAM toMary REID, Bondmen:
Campbell (x) Ingram & Charles (x) Ingram.

100.  Lic & Bd:  14 June 1866, Joe CALDWELL to Peggy MARTIN, Bondsmen:
Joe (x) Caldwell.  M. 15 June 1866 by E. Davison.

101.  Lic & Bd:  14  June 1866, Isaac JONES to Lizzie BRICE, Bondsmen:
Isaac (x) Jones.  M. 14 June 1866 by William C. Piner, Min.

102.  Lic & Bd:  25 July 1866, Charles PHARR to Mary HARTSWELL, Bondsmen:
Charles (x) Pharr & Jesse (x) Phifer, m. 22 July 1866 by E. C. Davidson.

103.  Bd. only:  9 Aug 1866, Blair RANSOMS to Nancy CATHY, Bondsmen:
Blair (x) Ransoms & Anderson (x) Ransoms

104.  Bd. only:  14 Aug 1866, Peter HENNIGAN  to Caroline HENNIGAN,
Bondsmen:  Peter (x) Hennigan & Andrew Lee (x).

105.  Bd. only. 17 Aug 1866, Louis FRENCH to Mary GRIER, Bondsmen, Louis
(x) French.

106.  Lic & Bd:  23 Aug 1866, Isom HAYES to Jane STEELE, Bondsmen:  Isom
(x) Hayes & Joe (x) Shorn, m. 25 Aug 1866 by E. Davidson.

107.  Lic & Bd:  23 Aug 1866, Henry SHIPP to Maria MILLER, bondsmen:
Henry (x) Shipp & Joe (x) Shipp, m. 23 Aug 1966 by E. Davison

108.  Bd. only:  1 Sept 1866, Jessy HART & Emaline HALL, Bondsmen:  Jessy
(x) Hart & Sam’l (x) Alexander.

109.  Lic. & Bd: 13 Sept 1866, Raleigh GREEN to Nancy BOYD, Bondsmen:
Raleigh (x) Green & P. William McGinnis, m. 16 Sept 1866 by E. Davidson.

110.  Bd. only:  26 Sept 1866, Louis FRENCH to Hetty KERR, Bondsmen:
Louis (x) French.

111.  Bd. only:  2 Oct 1866, Amizi REID to Tirzah BLACK, Bondsmen:  Amizi
(x) Reic.

112.  Lic. & Bd:  3 Oct 1866, Joseph TILLETT to Angeline SCHENCK,
Bondsmen:  Joseph (x) Tillett & Jas. (x) Bevard?, m. 4 oct 1866 by E.

113.  Lic & Bd:  4 Oct 1866, John DAVIS to Nancy LAWRANCE, Bondsmen:
John (x) Davis, m. 4 Oct 1866 by Rich’d Griffith, min.

114.  Bd. only:  10 Oct 1866, Isaac PARKS (Potts?) to Phelea HOWIE,
Bondsmen:  Isaac (x) Potts & Julius (x) Ross.

115.  Lic & Bd:  15 Oct 1866, Washington BRATTON to Edy WILSON. (both
Washington Bratton & Edy Wilson posted bond.)  No marriage return attached.

116.  Lic & Bd:  3 Nov 1866, Anthony HAYES to Margaret WALLACE, Bondsmen:
Anthony (x) Hayes & Nathan (x) McIlvaine, m. 27 Jan 1867 by R. Z.
Johnston, Min.

117.  Lic & Bd:  3 Nov 1866, Alfred HENNIGAN to Hannah CULP, Bondsmen:
Alfred Hennigan & Stephen williamson, m. 17 Feb 1867.

118.  Lic & Bd:  5 Nov 1866, Nat CALDWELL to Susan DAVIDSON, Bondsmen:
Nat (x) Caldwell & Alick Henderson, m. 23 Feb 1867 by T. L. Barnett, JP.

119.  Bd. only:  15 Nov 1866, Wylie HINSON to Dolly LYLES, Bondsmen:
Wylie (x) Hinson & James M. Davis.

120.  Bd. only:  17 Nov 1866, Andrew REA to Mary McLAUGHAN, Bondsmen:
Andrew (x) Rea & Bill (x) Warrick.

121.  Bd. only:  1 Dec 1866, Virgil ALEXANDER to Mary BLACK, Bondsmen:
Virgil Alexander.

122.  Lic. & Bd:  1 Dec 1866, John COKER to Isabella WHITE, Bondsmen:
John (x) Coker & Dick (x) Deal, m. 12 Dec 1866 by E. Davison, min.

123.  Bd. only:  1 Dec 1866, Isaac GRIER & Caroline WINGATE, Bondsmen:
Isaac (x) Grier.

124.  Lic & Bd:  19 Dec 1866, Charles INGRAM to Mary MORRIS, Bondsmen:
Charles (x) Ingram & Ephraim (x) Davidson, m. 19 Dec 1866 by Wm. McDonald.

125.  Lic. & Bd:  20 Dec 1866, Jim FOX (Freedman) to Caroline JONES
(Freedman) , Bondsmen:  Jim Fox & F. M. Ross, m. 20 Dec 1866 by Jno F. Butt.

126.  Lic:  20 Dec 1866, Snow MOORE (Fredman) to Sarah SLOAN (Freedman),
m. 26 Dec 1866 by W. G. Barnett, JP.  Bond found later:  Bondsmen: Snow
Moore & W. L. Henderson (white).

127.  Bd. only:  20 Dec 1866, David STINSON (Freedman) to Margaret
ALEXANDER (Freedman), Bondsmen:  David (x) Stinson & Frank (x) Davidson.

128.  Lic & Bd:  22 Dec 1866, Jerry DAVIDSON to Harriet STEWART,
Bondsmen:  Jerry Davidson (x) & Thomas (x) Stewart, m. 24 Dec 1866 by
Edmond Davidson.

129.  Bd only:  24 Dec 1866, Julius ALEXANDER to Catherine MORGAN,
Bondsmen:  Julius Alexander & Sam’l Witherspoon.

130.  Bd. only:  24 Oct 1866, Judas IRWIN to Maluvina (?) CARRUTHERS,
Bondsmen:  Judas (x) Irwin & Henry (x) Knox.

131.  Lic & Bd:  25 Dec 1866, Frank SMITH to Cornelia JOHNSON, Bondsmen:
Frank (x) Smith & Downs (Davis) (x) Barnett, m. 30 Dec 1866 by R. Z.
Johnston, Min.

132.  Bd. Only:  26 Dec 1866, Isaac PARKS to Marion RUSSEL, Bondsmen:
Isaac (x) Potts (Parks?) & R. M. White.

133.  Lic & Bd:  31 Dec 1866, John SMITH to Maria HAGLIN (HAGOLIN),
Bondsmen:  John (x) Smith & William King, m. 31 Dec 1866 by E. Davison.