Mecklenburg County NcArchives Obituaries.....Cauthen, R. Sydney March 24, 1915
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Charlotte Observer, March 26, 1915
Physicians En Masse Pay Tribute of Respect to Departed Brother.

The funeral of Dr. R.S. Cauthe, whose death occurred suddenly Wednesday morning 
at his home, was held yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the residence on Park 
Drive, Elizabeth Heights.  Owing to the illness of Dr. T.F. Marr of Trinity 
Methodist Church, pastor of the deceased, the services were conducted by Rev. 
Dr. E.K. McLarty, pastor of Tryon Street Methodist Church.  Miss Antoinette 
Glenn, Mrs. Frank Jones, Mrs. B.W. Hawks and Mr. Joe Jones accompanied by Mr. 
H.J. Zehm on the piano sweetly rendered "Asleep in Jesus" and "Hark My Soul."

Doctor Cauthen was one of the city's most popular and successful specialists 
and had a wide circle of friends in this State and South Carolina the latter 
his native State.  The announcement of his death came as a great shock to his 
relatives and friends.

The death of Doctor Cauthen was due to an accident.  In the exertion of running 
to overtake a street car from his home in the suburbs last Friday afternoon a 
small pappillary muscle in his heart was partially severed.  He experienced at 
first no pain.  The subject was discussed with fellow physicians but the 
trouble was so obscure that it was impossible of diagnosis and it was thought 
that it was of slight importance.  Even had it been diagnosed at the moment, 
however, it would have been beyond human power or skill to prevent the fatal 

The members of the Mecklenburg Medical Society attended the funeral in a body.

The floral designs were numerous and beautiful.  Among them was a large wreath 
of galax leaves and white carnations from Carolina Consistory No. 1, a standing 
design about four feet in height formed of pink and white roses from the 
Charlotte Medical Association; a large wreath of pink and white carnations and 
Easter lillies from the Board of Stewards of Trinity Methodist Church, of which 
he was a member; a wreath of galax leaves and white hyacinths from the Young 
People's Missionary Society; a sheath of white carnations and ferns from the 
Temple Male Quartet, a large wreath of pink and white carnations with K.of P. 
Mecklenburg Lodge No. 7 in purple immortelles; a white cross of carnations and 
hyacinths from Col. J.C. Horner and the members of the faculty at Horner's 
School, a large pillow of white roses, lilies of the valley and narcissus from 
the members of the faculty at Elizabeth College; a bouquet of white carnations 
from Mrs. Cauthen's Sunday school class at Trinity Church; a wreath of pink 
carnations and sweet elysium tied with pink chiffon from the members of the 
Research Book Club.

The interment took place at Elmwood.

The following relatives and friends were here to attend the funeral:  Mr. Paul 
Cauthen, son of the deceased and student at the Citadel in Charleston, S.C., 
Mrs. D.M. Kirkley of Kershaw, S.C., Mrs. Daisy C. Hasseltine and Mr. Claude 
Cauthen of Rock Hill, S.C., sisters and brother of the deceased; Mr. G.T. 
Sessions and Mrs. J.O. McFather of Cuthbert, Ga., brother and sister of Mrs. 
Cauthen, Mrs. Hicks of Atlanta; Mrs. L.E. Truesdale and Mr. Melvin Truesdale of 
Kershaw, S.C., Mr. and Mrs. R.S. Bell and Mr. C.K. McDowell of Westville, S.C., 
Dr. and Mrs. W.C. McDowell and Mr. J. Stevens of Kershaw, S.C., Mrs. J.C. 
Perkins of Tuscaloosa, Ala, Miss Eva Covington of Rockingham, Miss Blanche 
Simmons of Greenwood, S.C., and Messrs. L.C. Cable, J.C. Hambright, J.S. Starr, 
Herbert R. Tucker and E.J. Jones of Rock Hill, S.C.

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