Mecklenburg County NcArchives Obituaries.....Cathey, Sloan 1891
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Connie Ardrey n/a November 30, 2007, 2:44 am

The Charlotte News
27 Jan 1891

Dropped From The Bridge

Mr. Sloan Cathey, a young man of Berryhill towhsnip, this county, was killed 
at the Richmond & Danville Railroad bridge over the Yadkin river yesterday.

The accident by which the young man lost his life occurred at ten minutes past 
one o'clock yesterday afternoon. He was employed in work on the new iron 
bridge and while engaged in placing a piece of iron in position on the top of 
the bridge, he lost his balance and fell to the water below, a distance of 60 
feet. In his decent he struck against several pieces of lumber and was 
doubtless unconscious when he struck the water. At any rate, he sank 
immediately and was dead when his body was brought to the surface.

The body of Mr. Cathey was brought to the city today and will be buried at 
Steel Creek tomorrow. He was an excellent young man and was held in high 
esteem by all our people.

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