Mecklenburg-Ashe County NcArchives Obituaries.....Carson, William, Esq. November 22, 1846
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Carolyn Shank February 15, 2008, 1:39 am

Nov. 27, 1846         Charlotte Journal
   DIED, in Charlotte, on the 22nd November last, after a long continuing 
illness, WILLIAM CARSON, ESQ., in the 64th year of his ae.
   Leaving Ireland, the land of his nativity, when but a penniless youth of 
19; and making this country and this State, the land of his adoption, he early 
acquired means, which, with a heart glowing with filial affection, he expended 
in bringing his father and family over, and settling them on an estate in the 
County of Ashe. 
   He has left a Legacy to Davidson College of $5,000, and his choice and 
valuable library -- another of $1,000 to the Presbyterian Church -- and 
portions to other individuals besides the body of his estate which he left to 
his relations.

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