Mecklenburg County NcArchives Obituaries.....Carson, Mary Williams October 18, 1904
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Charlotte Observer, October 19, 1904
Yesterday Morning at 9:15 o'Clock the End Came--Funeral Services This Morning 
at the Residence Conducted By Rev. Dr. J. R. Howerton--Her Useful Life in the 
Community Where She Was Born 71 Years Ago.

Mrs. James H. Carson died yesterday morning at 9:15 o'clock, at her residence, 
No. 502 South Tryon street.  Her illness, as was told in The Observer yesterday 
morning, began last February and death came quietly, like the end of a 
flickering candle flame.  This morning at 10:30 o'clock, the funeral services 
will take place from the residence and will be conducted by Rev. Dr. J. R. 
Howerton, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, of which Mrs. Carson had 
long been a member.  The interment will be in Elmwood.  The following named 
gentlemen will act as pall-bearers:  Honorary-Judge Armistead Burwell, Captain 
A. G. Brenizer, Dr. E. Nye Hutchison, Messrs. George B. Hanna, J. C. Burroughs, 
George E. Wilson, E. T. Cansler, Archibald Graham, J. H. McClintock and Frank 
H. Andrews, active-Messrs. O. M. Sadler, George H. Brockenbrough, Robert H. 
Jordan, R. A. Dunn, Sadler Gillespie, W. R. Burwell, John M. Scott and W. W. 

Besides her husband, Mrs. Carson is susrvived by four sons, Messrs. J. Ed. 
Carson, Charles M. Carson, John S. Carson, and Richard C. Carson, and the 
following named sisters:  Mesdames S. Banks Meacham, John W. Miller, Ed. 
McDonald, Alice W. Walker, Miss Susie Williams, and Mrs. W. D. Cowles; and one 
brother, Mr. Henry C. Williams.  There are seven grandchildren:  McAlister, 
Mary Williams, Maud Craig, John Worth and Sarah, children of Mr. and Mrs. J. 
Ed. Carson; James Holmes, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Carson; and Lucy 
Holmes, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Carson.

She was a much-beloved woman and lived deservingly of the great happiness which 
was for her throughout her life, though there were crosses which she bore 
bravely.  She was thoroughly identified with this community, having been born 
here September 2, 1833, the daughter of H. B. Williams and Sarah Smith 
Williams.  Early in life she became a member of the First Presbyterian church 
and loyally and consistently maintained a high plane of religious communication 
to her last days.

By her marriage to Mr. James H. Carson, May 25th, 1854, ten children were 
born.  Last May, on the date of her marriage, she celebrated her 50th 
anniversary of the occasion, which also marked the same period of time spent in 
the dwelling where she died, for it was there she went to housekeeping just 
after her marriage.  'Twas there she spent her useful life, devoted to the 
interests of her family, but not unmindful of her friends.  She was charitable 
without ostentation.  She lived a gentle life and the world is better for her 
having been in it.

After a triip she took to Florida some months ago, she was attacked with slow 
paralysis which placed her in bad health terminating in her death.  But it was 
not until Monday afernoon that she sank into a stupor under which she breatherd 
her last.

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