Mecklenburg County NcArchives Obituaries.....Brown, Hannah Eliza 1866
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Connie Ardrey n/a November 21, 2015, 11:45 pm

Charlotte Democrat 16 Oct 1866

Died in this county on the 6th of July last, Mrs. Hannah Eliza Brown, wife of 
Jas. H. Brown in the 32d year of her age. Early in life she connected herself 
with the Presbyterian Church in which she lived a consistent member to the day of 
her death. Well might she be taken as a model for her christianity and prudence. 
She spoke evil of no one and always kept that evenly temper of mind which never 
permitted her to be unduly elated at success, or cast down by disappointment. In 
her death the deepest sorrow has been inflicted on a bereaved husband and six 
little children left desolate. She died trusting in her Saviour.

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