Mecklenburg County NcArchives Obituaries.....Barber, Richard  March 1838
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Carolyn Shank December 29, 2007, 4:42 pm

March 23, 1838   Charlotte Journal
   -- While the Superior Court was in session in Charlotte on Wednesday last, 
and in the dispatch of business, MR. RICHARD BARBER, one of the Jurors was 
visited with a stroke of apoplexy, which terminated his life in a few minutes. 
He was observed to faint away in the box, and was immediately taken to a 
convenient room, when medical aid from three eminent physicians was 
immediately administered, but to no avail-- the vital spark had departed. MR. 
BARBER was one of our most worthy citizens. For a number of years he had been 
a most exemplary member of the Episcopal Church, and at the time of his 
melancholy death, a layman in Christ's Church in Meckenburg. He has left a 
widow and three children.

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