Mecklenburg County NcArchives Obituaries.....Andrews, Mrs. A. B. 1915
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Connie Ardrey n/a December 14, 2008, 8:47 am

Charlotte Observer
1 Dec 1915

Was a Native of This City and Was Married Here

Mrs. A.B. Andrews, who died in Raleigh yesterday, had many friends in 
Charlotte who were grieved by news of her passing. Before her marriage she was 
Miss Julia Johnston, eldest child of the late Col. William Johnston and Mrs. 
Anne Graham Johnston of Charlotte. She was born December 29, 1846, in the 
early family residence on the corner now occupied by the Tate-Brown Company on 
South Tryon street, Charlotte. She was married September 1, 1869, at the later 
home of her parents, 415 West Trade street. Her five children are Mrs. William 
M. Marks of Montgomery, Ala., Messrs. William J., Alex B., John H. and Graham 
H. Andrews of Raleigh. Two brothers, Mr. F.G. Johnston of Charlotte and Mr. 
W.R. Johnston of Richmond, Va., survive. The late Mrs. T.R. Robertson was a 
sister. Cololel Andrews died April 17 of this year.

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