Mecklenburg County NcArchives Obituaries.....Alexander , Thomas, Maj.  December 28, 1844
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Carolyn Shank February 3, 2008, 3:37 am

Jan. 17, 1845     Charlotte Journal
   DIED, in Mecklenburg County, on Saturday, the 28th Dec. 1844, in the 92nd 
year of his age, MAJ. THOMAS ALEXANDER. The deceased was a soldier of the 
Revolution, who, by his high character, his great age, and dignified manners 
connected the existing generation with that race of patriots, who lived in 
times of trial and danger in the county of Mecklenburg. He was, by blood 
allied to the two most distinguished families of that period, the POLKS and 
ALEXANDERS, and in his own person blended many of the qualities peculiar to 
each. He was remarkable for the highest courage and the greatest modesty -- 
for marked dignity of personal deportment and a disposition the most cheerful 
and a heart overflowing with kindness. He crowned all his virtues by a simple 
unostentatious and humble piety and concluded a life protracted to a period 
extending long beyond that allotted to mankind without a blot and without 
reproach and with the respect and veneration of all who knew him. 

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