Mecklenburg County NcArchives Obituaries.....Alexander, Nathaniel, (Gov.) March 8, 1808
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Carolyn Shank October 24, 2008, 10:41 am

Thurs., March 17, 1808, Raleigh Minerva

DIED, at Salisbury, on the 8th, NATHANIEL ALEXANDER, ESQ., late Governor of 
this State, in the 53rd year of his age, after a lingering consumption. MR. 
ALEXANDER graduated in Princeton College in 1776, and in three years after, 
when he had completed his studies in medicine, entered the army.  After the 
independence of our Country was settled, he moved to the High Hills of Santee, 
and pursued his profession; in a few years after he removed to Mecklenburg in 
this State, from which county and the county of Lincoln, alternately, he has 
been elected to the Legislature, and for several years served in his district 
in Congress when the Legislature elected him to the Government of the State.  
In all these public stations, he discharged his duty with ability and firmness.

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