Mecklenburg County NcArchives Obituaries.....Alexander, John  McCoy September 10, 1846
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Carolyn Shank February 15, 2008, 1:12 am

Nov. 13, 1846         Charlotte Journal
   DIED, September 10th, at the house of MR. LOGAN, in Rutherford County, MR. 
JOHN McCOY ALEXANDER, only son of COL. B. W. ALEXANDER, in his 19th year. At 
the time of his death, MR. A. had gone to the mountains with the hope of 
recruiting and invigorating a constitution enfeebled by frequent attacks of 
chills and close application, previous to entering upon the studies of his 
senior year at Davidson College. While far from his father's eye and a 
mother's guardian care, severe disease assailed, baffled all medical skill, 
and he sank beneath its power on the 10th day.

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