Mecklenburg County NcArchives Obituaries.....Abernethy, Nora 1898
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Guy Potts December 23, 2007, 10:04 pm

Charlotte Daily Observer
16 Apr 1898

Death of Mrs. J.S. Abernethy

Mrs. Nora Abernethy, wife of Dr. J.S. Abernethy, of Hopewell, died yesterday 
at 1 o'clock. Deceased had been in bad health for two years. She had been 
desperately ill for some weeks, her death being expected at any time. She 
passed away quietly, the watchers at her bed side scarcely knowing when the 
heart cease to beat. Mrs. Abernethy was 42 years of age. She was a sister of 
the late Sheriff Lawson Potts. She was a member of Hopewell Presbyterian 
church, and was loved for her many fine qualities of heart and head. She 
leaves a husband and eight children. The funeral will take place at Hopewell 
this afternoon.

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