Mecklenburg County NcArchives News.....Wolfsville Academy Reunion 1914
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Guy Potts January 23, 2008, 8:58 pm

Charlotte Daily Observer 1914
15 Aug 1914

Reunion is Held on Site Old Wolfsville Academy

Waxhaw, Aug. 14 - The reunion of the students of Wolfsville Academy was held 
yesterday on the site of the old academy about five miles north from here. 
There was a large crowd present and a splendid picnic dinner was served, 
topped off with some of R.A. Hudson's far-famed watermelons. There was no 
regular speech, but several of the old students made short and interesting 

Last year the students of this old school met on the site of the old academy 
and organized an alumni association with J.L. Rodman of this place as 
president and O.W. Potts of Pleasant Valley secretary.

The school was founded in 1867 by Doctor McIlwaine father of Dr. W.E. 
McIlwaine of Charlotte, and for five or six years was the only school of any 
importance between Charlotte and Lancaster, Monroe and the Catawba River. The 
students came from all parts of Mecklenburg, Union and Lancaster counties, 
many of them walking for seven or eight miles in order to attend. Whether 
because of the inspiration which they got from this old school and from the 
good men and women who were the teachers or because the students just 
naturally had the making of successful citizens in them, most of these old 
students are now prominent in their chosen professions.

J.L Rodman stands out as the successful business man; W.E. and R.J. McIlwain 
and B.H. Brown as leading ministers; O.W. Potts, J.S. and J.W. DeLaney as 
farmers; R.B. Redwine as a lawyer. Then there are many who have not become so 
prominent in the business world, but who have made a success of living and 
have been true to the principles which the old academy instilled into them.

At the meeting yesterday two important steps were taken looking toward 
preserving the memory of the old school. A committee was appointed to prepare 
and have published a thorough history of the school and perhaps some sketches 
of its founders. Another committee was appointed at the earnest request of Mr. 
Rodman, to see about raising funds for the erection of a handsome monument to 
the founders of the school to be placed on the site of the old building. As a 
starter for this fund, Mr. Rodman proposes to give $1,000 for a $10,000 

On account of an annual picnic at Marvin, with which this reunion has 
conflicted, the time for holding the reunion has been changed from the 
Thursday before the third Sunday in August to Thursday before the second 

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