Mecklenburg County NcArchives News.....Will Potts 1913
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Guy Potts January 20, 2008, 12:15 am

Charlotte Daily Observer 1913
3 Sep 1913

Shot Through Head - Negro Having Hole Shot in Cranium Waits Until Morning for 

Will Potts, colored, yesterday morning attended to a little matter that would 
probably not have been put off by anyone else, but as he was not suffering to 
amount to anything, he spent the night at home with two bullet holes in his 
skull, and yesterday morning called upon Dr. W.E. Wishart to have the injuries 
fixed. The physician says that no ill results are apt to follow.

Potts was at Lakewood Park Monday night, drinking a little he told Doctor 
Wishart, and got into a racket with some men whom he did not know. One of them 
took a pot shot at Potts' head and managed to hit him twice out of an equal 
number of times at bat. Both were base hits, as they skimmed just below the 
base of the brain, going entirely through with plenty of room for a probe to 
be inserted. The belief is that only one ball passed through the head, from 
side to side and that he does not at present have lead on the brain.

The negro works for the Yarborough & Bellinger Company, is said to be a good, 
industrious laborer. He was advised by friends to see a physician Monday night 
but decided to wait until yesterday, which he did. He stated that he rested 
well and in fact slept all night long, without any trouble.

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