Mecklenburg County NcArchives News.....Will Potts 1893
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Guy Potts December 22, 2007, 8:19 pm

The Charlotte News 1893
15 Dec 1893

Comes in Right for Christmas - A Loaded Poplar

The hands on Mr. Will Potts' place in Lemley township, will have a merrier 
Christmas than they anticipated, for they got an abundance of "sweetnin'" and 
all for nothing. Two choppers were put to work to fell a large poplar tree on 
Mr. Potts' plantation. It took them two hours to cut down the tree, but then 
they were rewarded for their labor. The tree was found to be hollow, and full 
of honey stored there by wild bees. They got five gallons of pure honey from 
the tree.

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