Mecklenburg County NcArchives News.....WHITE MERCHANT WAYLAID AND ROBBED May 17, 1914 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Danielle Mozingo October 21, 2011, 8:14 pm Charlotte Observer May 17, 1914 Sidney Swain Assaulted on His Way Home This Morning and Left for Dead. Sidney Swain, a well respected citizen who operates a small grocery store at the intersection of Mint street and the railroad, was waylaid at 12:30 o'clock this morning while on his way from his store to his home, knocked in the head with a galvanized iron pipe and left for dead, within a stone's throw of his house, after being robbed of all the money that he had on his person, estimated to be between $250 and $300. The deed was one of the most dastardly and brazen ever committed in the annals of the city. The miscreants, of whom there must have been several, waited in the shadows in the rear of the store adjoining the alley leading into the rear of Garibaldi's gin on Mint street, and there within 50 feet of the brilliantly illuminated street, the merchant was assaulted, hit over the head, robbed and left for dead, all within 150 feet of his own home and closely adjacent to a thickly inhabited section. Mr. Swain was discovered by his wife who went in search of him when he failed to show up at his accustomed hour. She had hardly gotten out of reach of her own fireside when she heard sobbing groans emanating from the rear of the store in question and there she discovered her husband, all bathed in his own blood and with a great gash in his head. The blow must have been inflicted with terrific force for the skull was laid bare for several inches and blood was oozing from the wounded man's eyes, nose and ears. Mrs. Swain immediately gave the alarm and the officers were notified. The automobile patrol was rushed to the scene and the wounded man was removed to the Presbyterian Hospital and several physicians were summoned. No statement could be vouchsafed there this morning as to whether the wounds would prove fatal or not but the worst is feared. Mr. J. W. Allen, a clerk employed in Mr. Swain's store, testified that Mr. Swain had left the store about 12:15 with between $250 and $300 on his person. When the officers searched him they could discover only a few dollars in change left. The pockets had evidently been hastily rifled. Mr. Swain is about 45 years of age and has a wife and one child. He was noted for the money which he carried about on his person and this undoubtedly led to the assault this morning. There were no clues that could be picked up by the officers but developments may be expected shortly. This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.0 Kb