Mecklenburg County NcArchives News.....W. N. Peoples 1901
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Guy Potts January 28, 2008, 8:26 pm

Charlotte Daily Observer 1901
2 Aug 1901

A Matter of History

Tax Collector W.N. Peoples averment of facts is to be accepted as of truth. 
And yet it was Mr. Peoples who won fame over a year ago by the discovery of 
the only rooster in the world that ever laid an egg. The story has been told 
in these columns. The roster - a resident of Paw Creek - daily flaunted his 
effeminate occupation before the eyes of his owner, who at length grew 
superstituous about the chicken and sold him to a colored neighbor, who had 
prepared to entertain his parson at Sunday dinner.

How the colored gentleman shortly returned, running madly 'cross hill and dale 
and swinging the mortal remains of that masculine hen; how his eyes showed all 
white with fright as he said: "Dey was aigs in dis here rooster boss; dey was 
two aigs in him" - has become a matter of history.

But Mr. Peoples is a truthful man.

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