Mecklenburg County NcArchives News.....Typhoid Fever July 27, 1897 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Natasha Miles June 1, 2020, 6:20 pm The Semi-Weekly Messenger (Wilmington NC) July 27, 1897 Mr Hamond is the fourth person to die of typhoid fever in a year, in Capt. Ryder's office. The other victims were Messrs. N L Luttrell and F M Breeland, operators, and C W Hardin, chief dispatcher. Capt. Ryder's office, which includes the dispatches and all other offices located in the Charlotte depot, occupies the second floor of the building. That four strong, active young men should have died in this office, in a year, of typhoid fever is proof beyond discussion that there is something radically wrong with the sanitary arrangements of the building. Besides the four deaths recorded, Mr Kirkman, also one of the operators, was stricken down with fever several weeks ago, and is now ill at his home in Greensboro; Mr Hamilton, who works in Mr Southgae's office, in the room adjoining Capt Ryder's office, went home sick yesterday; Mr Fred Laxton, one of Capt Ryder's clerks, left for his home in Morganton Monday afternoon, sick; Mr Penny, another operator, has been feeling so unwell for several weeks that he got leave of absence and left yesterday for a month's stay at his home in South Carolina. The men who work on the upper floor of the building are almost panic stricken. This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.8 Kb