Mecklenburg County NcArchives News.....Thanksgiving Party at Pineville Home 1916 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Guy Potts January 22, 2008, 1:34 am The Charlotte Observer 1916 1 Dec 1916 Thanksgiving Party at Pineville Home Pineville, Nov. 30 - Rev. and Mrs. J.E.M. Davenport entertained a number of friends at dinner Thanksgiving Day. The invited guests were James Potts of Fort Mill, SC; Mrs. F.V. Barrier of Salisbury; Mrs. Helen Montgomery of Kannapolis; Rev. J.C. Hardin; Rev. F.G. Bobbitt; Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Downs and Miss Aileen Johnston of Pineville. This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.0 Kb