Mecklenburg County NcArchives News.....Real Estate Transfers 1920
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Guy Potts January 21, 2008, 8:56 pm

The Charlotte Observer 1920
14 Jan 1920

Real Estate Transfers

The following deeds were filed for record in the office of the register of 
deeds yesterday:

Charles H. Garmon and others to James McDonald for $100, 5.4 acres in 
Berryhill township.

John P. Potts to J.H. Erwin and wife, 20 acres in Steele Creek township, for 

J.T. McGee, trustee, to J.D. Strickland and wife, lot on corner Woodman avenue 
and Cross street, for $325.

The Stephens company to Robert Lassiter, lot in Myers Park for $100, etc.

The Stephens company to Robert Lassiter, for $100, etc., lot in Myers Park.

Stuart W. Cramer and wife to the Whitin Machine Works, for $10, etc., lot on 
East Third street.

Biddle Realty company to Sidney N. Davidson, for $400, lot on Beattie avenue.

R.C. McManus and wife to W.L. Nicholson, for $1,000, etc., lot on corner South 
College and East Stonewall streets.

Everett J. Stockton, commissioner, to Thomas Stilwell, 46.75 acres in 
Berryhill township, for $2,050.

The Stephens company to A.W. Bassett and J.B. Price, for $100, etc., lot in 
Myers Park.

W.L. Nicholson and wife to R.C. McManus, for $1,000, etc., lot in Johnson 

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