Mecklenburg County NcArchives News.....Pistols In The Way February 10, 1891 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Linda Blum-Barton March 9, 2006, 10:54 pm The Weekly Constitution, Atlanta, GA. February 10, 1891 How Two Women Held the Prisoner Back, A Daring Deed. Charlotte, N.C., February 6.-- Abram Evans, one of the negroes in jail on the charge of stealing harness from W. E. Shaw & Co., of this city, was inspired with hopes of liberty last night, which inspiration, however, did not last long. He picked a hole int he jail wall, but after his hours of toil when he stuck his head out to see how the ground lay, and to see also how much larger he would have to make the hole to admit the passage of his body, he was struck all in a heap to see two pistols stuck right into his eyes. The pistols were held by the sheriff's wife and daughter. Evans drew back his head with commendable celerity. After having locked the cell doors last night, Sheriff Smith took a look into the cells and found everything, as he thought, all right. In one cell there should have been three negro men. Casting his light into the cell the sheriff saw what he thought the forms of three prisoners, but as afterwards proved one form was nothing more than a blanked rolled so that it looked like it coverd a body. In the jail were two negro women, who were not locked in cells, but who were allowed the liberty of the corridors. Satisfied that all was right, the sheriff came up town to serve some papers, and when he got back, an hour or two later, he found his wife and daughter keeping guard, as already described. This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.1 Kb