Mecklenburg County NcArchives News.....Party at Pineville 1896
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Guy Potts January 24, 2008, 2:42 am

Daily Charlotte Observer 1896
16 Apr 1896

The Party at Pineville

The party at Dr. J.J. Rone's, in Pineville, Thursday night, was a very 
agreeable affair. Pineville, Sharon, Fort Mill and Charlotte were represented. 

Among the guests were noted: Misses Rebecca McClelland, Bertie Rhyne, Beulah 
Younts, Minnie Garrison, Janie McClelland, Mamie Potts, Janette Blankenship; 
Messr. Boyce Bell, Jim Barnett, Pink Morrow, John Ardrey, J. Marsh Heizer, 
Thos. and Lee Spratt, and others.

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