Mecklenburg County NcArchives News.....Oscar Potts 1910
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Guy Potts January 18, 2008, 11:24 pm

Charlotte Daily Observer 1910
24 Sep 1910

Attacked Mail Carrier

Oscar Potts Lights on Mail Carrier Blandis With a Knife and Cuts His Shirt 
Into Shreds.

Angered because he thought Mr. A.J. Blandis, a local mail carrier, drove his 
wagon too close to him on the square, a young white man, Oscar Potts, attacked 
the official in front of Blair's drug store on West Trade street last night 
about 8 o'clock and made a number of circuitous cuts across is clothing. 
Fortunately none of them penetrated the flesh to any depth, but the shirt of 
Mr. Blandis was literally slit into shreds.

Potts was standing on the square when Mr. Blandis, in making his rounds, drove 
his wagon across, turning down West Trade street. The assailant thought he 
drove too near him and said something to the driver. Mr. Blandis retorted that 
he oughtn't to stand on the street. Potts followed him down Trade until the 
mail carrier stopped at the mail box near Blair's store where he attacked him. 

Bystanders rushed up and one grabbed Potts by the arms until the officers 
arrived. Mr. Blandis was rather nervous over his experience, but was trying to 
defend himself the best he could. Potts was locked up on the charge of an 
assault with a deadly weapon and the possibilities are that the government 
will also inssue a warrant against him for interference. He was slightly 
tasting of drink.

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