Mecklenburg County NcArchives News.....One Man Killed September 23, 1890 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Linda Blum-Barton March 29, 2006, 6:43 pm The Weekly Constitution, Atlanta, GA. September 23, 1890 And Another Seriously Hurt by a Boiler Explosion. Charlotte, N. C., September 17 -- A deplorable accident occurred at the ginhouse and sawmill of Mr. Hugh Boyce, at Sardis church, in Sharon township, this morning. The boiler exploded and Will Boyce, a son of Mr. Hugh Boyce, was instant killed. Three men were badly hurt, and the engine house was shattered to atoms. It was a terrific explosion. The rent in the boiler was made just over the firebox, in front of the dome. The boiler shot loose from its base like a rocket, went about thirty feet in the air and struck the ground seventy- five feet distant. The dome went in an opposite direction, its flight covering about the same distance. The engine house was completely torn away, scarcely one timber being left upon another. The unfortunate young man who was attending the engine was blown twenty feet. All his clothing was torn off by the force of the explosion and both his legs were badly broken. There was a gaping wound in his side made by a piece of flying metal, and all about his head and body were wounds and scalds. He was picked up dead. His death must have been instantaneous. Of the other men in the vicinity at the time, Mr. Dock Alexander was badly scalded, and Dick Harris and Lew Bowden were painfully hurt by flying timbers. This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.0 Kb