Mecklenburg County NcArchives News.....Lost Bank Notes January 4, 1810
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Carolyn Shank October 24, 2008, 10:59 am

Thurs. Jan. 4, 1810, Raleigh Minerva January 4, 1810
The annexed memorandum of notes was either Lost or Stolen from me at or near 
Beattie's Ford, on the Catawba, on the 9th of October, 1809, viz:
1 note of 10 on EVEN SHELBE, 15 years due
1 note of 6 on CHARLES ALEXANDER, 15 years due
1 note $9 on JAMES PORTER, three  years due
1 note, $38, on MATHEW HART, one year due
1 note, $12, on WILLIAM YOUNG SR., two years due
1 note, $7.50, on CAPT STEPHEN ALEXANDER, three years due
1 note, $269, on SAMUEL HOGGSHEAD, six months due
1 note, $12.57, on DANIEL REES, four months due
1 note, $14, on JOHN GARDNER, six months due
1 note, $40, on JAMES HARRIS, Indian Land, S.C., assigned to me by ROBERT W. 
HARRIS, near three years due
1 note, $80, on NATHAN ORR, assigned to me by NATHAN BEATY, three years due
1 note, $18, on WILLIAM L. DAVIDSON, about three years due; also on account 
$6 labor done for him.
A bond against EZEKIAL PORTER, for 350 acres of land in Kentucky
A proven account against the estate of WILLIAM D. CRAWFORD for $96, three 
years due
1 note of $25, 15 on JOHN McNEELY of Iredell, assigned me by EPHRAIM 
ALEXANDER, about 3 years due.
Also 2 paper pocket books tied together with buckskin strap.
The above publication is therefore to notify the public that I do hereby 
forewarn all persons from trading for said notes, bonds, and accounts, given 
under my hand, the 17th day of December 1809.


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