Mecklenburg County NcArchives News.....L. A. Potts 1895
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Guy Potts December 23, 2007, 11:57 am

Daily Charlotte Observer 1895
29 May 1895

Yesterday afternoon Mr. L.A. Potts rode up to Mr. Thomas Grier's on his horse. 
Seeing Master Herman Hirt in the yard, he asked him if he would hold his horse 
until he went into the house. The boy responded with alacrity. Mr. Potts 
cautioned him several times not to mount the horse, and went on in. The boy 
did mount, and came near being badly hurt therefor. The horse started off. He 
gained speed as he went, and the boy was unable to hold on. He fell off in 
front of Mr. J.W. Miller's and was dragged as far as the Baptist church. A 
great crowd collected, supposing the child had been hurt badly. Mr. George 
Fitzsimmons, who was sitting on Dr. Jos. Graham's porch, ran to the boy's 
assistance, telephoning also for Dr. Graham. The doctor arrived, but it was 
found that the boy was only skinned and bruised. He was taken home in a buggy.

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