Mecklenburg County NcArchives News.....Fort Mill Farmers Hold Meeting 1919 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Guy Potts January 22, 2008, 10:21 am The Charlotte Observer 1919 3 May 1919 Farmers of Fort Mill Section Hold Meeting Fort Mill, SC, March 2 - About 75 of the prominent planters of this community assembled in the Masonic hall this afternoon to discuss the cotton situation. S.H. Epps presided, and the object of the meeting was stated by Col. Thomas B. Spratt. A full and free discussion followed, in which there were speeches by Dr. T.S. Kirkpatrick, W.M. White, D.O. Potts, Karl Faris, J.P. Crowder and J.M. Harris. A resolution proposed by Dr. T.S. Kirkpatrick, in which it was stated that the farmers of this community were in thorough sympathy with the work of the county and state cotton associations and would support their action, was unanimously adopted by a rising vote. The chairman appointed a committee composed of Dr. T.S. Kirkpatrick, D.O. Potts and Col. Thomas B. Spratt with instructions to ascertain full details as to the action of the state and county associations and report at a meeting which is to be held next Saturday evening, when pledges will be prepared for signatures. Those present agreed by a rising vote to be present at the meeting next Saturday and to bring another farmer who was not present this afternoon with him. This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.8 Kb