Mecklenburg-Lincoln-Burke County NcArchives News.....Died on the way to Texas April 21, 1837
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Carolyn Shank December 24, 2007, 12:37 am

April 21, 1837   Charlotte Journal April 21, 1837
   -- The following are the name of three of CAPT. HARRY'S COMPANY of 
emigrants, who died on their way to Texas, as we learn by a letter from that 
Gentlemen to the Editor of this paper:
   WILLIAMS CASTLES, of Charlotte, died on the passage from New Orleans to 
Texas, leaving a wife and child.
   WILLIAM GASTON, from Lincoln County, and PETER MULL from Burke County, died 
at the Pilot House at Matagorda Bay. The rest of the company had joined the 
Texan army and were in fine health and spirits. -- Lincoln Transcript

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