Mecklenburg County NcArchives News.....Court House  1898
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Guy Potts December 23, 2007, 6:48 pm

Charlotte Daily Observer 1898
12 Feb 1898

Old Records - Mr. and Mrs. Harris Will Present the Library With the Files of 
an Interesting Paper

Mrs. W.H. Harris sends the Observer a file of the Mecklenburg Jeffersonian, 
published in Charlotte in 1841 by Jos. W. Hampton, a grandfather of Mr. 
Harris. The old papers are full of most interesting matter of an historical 
and local character. One could spend several hours pouring over them. John M. 
Morehead was Governor at the time and the late Governor Graham was in the 
Senate. Among the many interesting advertisements the following order for the 
new (now the old) court house is found:


The undersigned commissioners, appointed at the last October term of the Court 
of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the county of Mecklenburg, will receive 
sealed proposals for building


in the town of Charlotte, till the 25th day of February next. The building to 
be fifty-six feet by forty - two stories high; to be based on granite rock, 
two feet below the surface, and two feet above. The walls to be of good brick, 
well burnt. The basement story to have a passage ten feet wide through the 
centre of the entire building, each side of which to be divided into three 
offices. The second story to be fourteen feet in the pitch; to be divided into 
a court room and two jury rooms, with a stand for the sheriff. It is desirable 
that the house should be built and arranged according to the most modern and 
improved style. The proposals must embrace the plan, specification and 
estimates of cost. The commissioners to be at liberty to suggest such 
alterations as they may think proper, and vary the estimates accordingly. The 
building to be fire-proof. Applicants should address their communications to 
the chairman of the committee at Charlotte, post paid. The committee will 
decide within ten days after the time above specified, and would wish all 
applicants present.

Stephen Fox, Chairman
Benjamin Morrow
William Neal
W.D. Winchester
John Potts
John Irwin, Committee

Charlotte, Jan. 18, 1842

The Raleigh Standard is requested to give the above notice three insertions, 
and forward the account.

This old newspaper file is the property of Mrs. Robert F. Stokes, who sends it 
to the library.

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